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Error took a seat on the couch of the living room after being greeted by Horror. Right after he did take a seat, Horror moved in a bit closer and shows him his phone "Dude. Remember the thing about you wanting a completely premium set of doll making equipment? There's this offer I see in the online shopping app. It's expensive, but it's nothing you can't handle right?" He told him and Killer scoffed from his seat "You say that like Error hasn't even left this house for weeks." He said.

Horror shrugged "Am I supposed to do something...?" He asked murmuring the last part. Making Killer raise an eyebrow "You are supposed to do something. Like for example, make some of those moon cakes you love." He mentions it, Error shivering for a few seconds "Oh p-please... those always had sedatives..." He mumbled.

"See Blood. Your moon cakes suck for him." Killer snickered. Horror scoffed in response "Shut it Kilo. You make bad coffee." He taunts him in return. Creating a tension between the two "Does it look like I'm your damn mother to make you coffee?"

Error took noticed of something though. Cross wasn't here. He knew that Cross was a part of Nightmare's group.

"Hey guys..." Error started as both Killer and Horror look at him questionably "Yes?" Killer responds, Error looking around a bit before he asked "Is C-Cross here? I've not s-seen him."

The two of them were now confused to who Error had mentioned, making the two look back and forth at one another "Who...?"

Dust came in the room holding a box of cookies. Taking a seat next to Error after "Want one?" He motioned it to him, Error staring at it before he drooled and lunged at it. This surprised Dust, making him surrender the box to Error.

Horror snorted "What's in the cookies for him to be so happy about them?"

Dust shrugged "They're just chocolate cookies. That's it."

"Hey Dust, do you know anyone named Cross? Error asked about him just now." Killer passes the question to him, Dust taking a moment to think before he had an idea to who.

"Cross... It might be that X guy. Well, his codename is X. Talk about a double cross for a name." He answered snickering making Horror perk up "Oh! Now I remember. Cross is X. He's the one in charge of the artillery unit at the Section B Divison." He added, Killer raises an eyebrow "Section B? Isn't that the place where Ink commands? Jeez. I'm surprised that artist has the same rank as Nightmare." He takes a sip off his coffee.

Error perked up hearing Ink's name. Grumbling something under his breathe. Dust could only eye him confused.

"To be honest, I like that Cross guy. We should have him at our Divison. He seems like a fine addition to our team." Horror says.

Somebody walks in, it was Nightmare.

"Right. We need to head out. All of us. Section B is under attack. They need reinforcements." He said ever so plainly. Horror was surprised though "What? Under attack by what?"

Nightmare huffed crossing his arms "They said it was some undercover militia group within their city. They also reported that they already have thirty casualties. We need to go." He walks over to a locker in the next room and rummaging was heard.

Killer could only sigh "Why do we need to help them out... It's their problem." He stood up and followed Nightmare. Dust stood up too chuckling "Well if we don't, we probably would be punished because of it." He followed, taking a radio from the table "Alright, Quartzite and Onyx squads are requested to join the operation....." His voice became distant.

Horror looks at Error and waves his hand to get his attention "Hey Error. You need to stay here. If you want. Well, seeing as you are wounded it's only fair that you stay." He stood up and pats him on the skull "We'll be back alright?" He said as the other kept biting on his food.

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