Time off

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Hunter sat next to Error quietly while using his phone and drinking some soda. Error on the other hand had his arms crossed, deep in his own thoughts.

He has this theory now, he could get out of here, go to the place he started in and go back to his place.

But the bigger question, will the portals work there?

Error knows his counterpart is alive, his UI must have taken the information to where he was last in and assumed his state. Now, he's doing everything manually.

And seeing that he's alive, Error now has to take action. He has to get out of here and recover the other from that timeline. For that timeline is full of guns. He doesn't know how long will he even last in there without being shot to death.

Atleast Error doesn't have to worry about telling everyone here that he died. Now, he just has to get him back here. And well, explain things properly.

Huh... Mafia actually knows Error himself... He's actually on his side... If Glitch manages to get in contact with him, he may be safe for now-


Error blinked from the sudden flash of light, looking at Hunter who was lowering his phone quickly. He hummed, acting like he didn't do anything.

"What did you just d-do?" Error asked, his attention now on him. Hunter perked up "Wha...? Nothing?" He responds, looking at him confused.

Error rolled his eyes, raising a finger before snatching the phone with a string. Hunter yelped, unable to get it back.

"Yeah, sure you didn't do anything." Error snickered holding it, waving the phone around that showed an image of him. Hunter blushed looking away as he scratched the back of his head.


"I look good there t-though... here." Error passes the phone back to him, not minding the image that was there anymore as he turned away once more, in his thoughts again.

Hunter smiled "Wait, you don't care if I took a photo of you?" He asks him, Error glances at him "N-No? I have nothing against you for me to make you delete that." He tells him.

"Really? You actually mean that..." He murmured, Error nodded. His eyes closed now.

"Are you tired?" Hunter spoke up after a minute, Error opening his eyes as he looks at him "No. I-I'm just wondering right now." He answered, Hunter awed "Wondering about what?" He asked again.

Error took notice of his sudden curiosity "And what's it to y-you?" He says, Hunter shrugged "Well, I'm like... Going to work with you by your side eventually... So I wanna familiarize with what you need, think about and other stuff." He smiled widely, his blush from earlier still there.

"I... I see. Well, I've got nothing interesting on my mind. It's just the usual what I want to do sort of stuff." Error sighed, him now laid back.

He needs to relax, his minds been active ever since he's gotten here. It's not like he needs sleep, but sometimes anyone just wants to pass out and forget things.

"And? What is it you want to do?"

Error glanced at him, turning back infront to the amount of people that were around. It was actually night now, since it's been hours since they arrived here.

Also the fact that Hunter has not found Dust or Horror yet. They somewhat disappeared.

"Uh... I'd l-like to head back to the place you found me in. T-That's what." Error answered him, his mind still filled with things he needs to do.

Hunter perked up "Well, if you want, I could drive you there tomorrow. Or atleast, if I'm available..." He looks down, his face a bit sad. Error raises an eyebrow "Is something w-wrong?"

Hunter sighed, his face on the table infront of the two "It's just... My brother died two years ago. He was stabbed by some kid. I don't know why. It took me months to get out of just... Being in grief. After that, I was back to my usual self. And uh... Tomorrow is the day he died. So I wanna go to the cemetery and just stay there for the time being." He mumbled. The reticle on his eye turning small.

Error eyed him pitifully and sadly "I'm... I'm sorry about that. I s-shouldn't have asked."

Hunter shook his head as he laughed softly "No, no it's alright. I'll share that with you." He tells him, Error could only nod.

Trait learned. Grief.


The two of them turns to who said that, to find Nightmare walking up to the two with a can on hold. He waved slightly at Hunter "You're here too. I'd wonder why especially with Error." He says, Error smiled "Hi Nighty. I hope you had a nice time with Geno and Fresh."

Nightmare laughed "Oh please. Being in a conversation with Geno is indeed satisfying. It's like your actually talking to an individual. Fresh? Still no. He responded using random words and phrases it really didn't make much sense for me to hang around with him anymore. Left them with Killer." He takes a seat next to Error, crossing his legs.

"And I hope your having a good time too, Error. You too Hunter." He motioned his hand, Hunter sits up straight "Y-Yes sir, I'm having a decent time here." He responds, Nightmare nodded.

"Anyways, about that flight. You cancelled it the last moment. And you headed to god knows where. That was nearly a month ago. Before you disappeared." Nightmare spoke up, Error sighed "I know... I went out to calm myself. Sorry if I had you all worried."

Nightmare places an arm around his shoulder with a grin on his face "Like I'd ever get mad at you." He chuckled. Taking a drink from the can he held. It smelled like alcohol.

"Do you two... Have a thing together...?" Hunter suddenly asked, Nightmare spat out his drink and Error jumped a bit from the question.

"N-No, Hunter. We don't." Error tells him quickly. Hunter awed looking down "I assumed again. My bad." He says. Nightmare eyeing him warily.

"Hello there." Somebody walked up to them, obviously here for Nightmare. In which, Nightmare stood up "Is there something wrong?"

The skeleton laughed, placing a hand to his chest "No, nothing is wrong Monsieur. I hope I don't bother you with your allies. I just want to congratulate you and your Division. Keep the work up, and everyone around the world will be rooting for your support and leadership." He tells him, a hand out for him to shake.

Nightmare shakes his hand cautiously "And who even are you?" He asked him and the other raises a hand up to his mouth embarrassed "Oh. Captain Fallacy. French GIGN operator. Sorry about that, I forget things easily. You understand, oui?" He tells him.

"It's okay? I appreciate the compliment. But exactly what is the French special forces doing here?"

Error's eye twitched. Is he trying to get Nightmare? Attention hog much.

"I'm in the middle of talking with him? Saying this, you are bothering him. Could you get off?" Error spoke up, Hunter looking away to snort. Fallacy blinked, nodding "I understand. But, I would like a word with you if you are available. It's nothing too important. But I must see that I talk with you." He tells him before turning around.

He waved, walking away. Nightmare shook his head and looked at Error before laughing "You seem a bit on edge. Is something wrong?" He takes a seat back. Hunter nodded "He's right. Something bothering you?"

"No. I need some tea or chocolate. My head hurts suddenly." Error places a finger Inbetween his eyes.

"How's chocolate even going to help?"

"Stress eating for Error maybe?" Hunter chuckled.

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