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"Holy shit it is you!" Killer pounced at him, making the two of them fall to the ground with a thud while Killer kept hugging him. This also surprised everyone else in the room. They've never seen anything like this.

"Y-You have no idea how worried we were! I can't believe we found you...!" He said, his voice cracking. Error hissed a bit, Killer hearing it and backed off, helping him up.

He saw a glimpse of bandage around the back of his neck and went behind him, pulling his jacket down a bit. Seeing all the bandages wrapped he could only stare.

Nightmare walked up to him aswell as the other two to look at his back. And when they did, Dust turned and quickly walked up to Hunter cocking his gun and was literally pointing it Inbetween his eye sockets "Explain or a bullet goes through your fucking skull!" He demanded and Hunter waved his hands quickly as everyone else around him scattered "N-No I had nothing to do with that...!" He responded.

Horror walked up to Hunter aswell with his gun drawn against the side of his skull "You have ten seconds to say anything about what's going on without fucking begging. Nine." He started counting but Hunter was already in a state of fear "I-I-I... D-Didn't d-do it...!"

"Jesus fuck Error! Why'd you never contact us about this?! You go missing two to three weeks for what?! All this to happen to you?!" Nightmare sneered and Killer started to check his bandages if they were well placed aswell as staring at Hunter.

"G-Guys, Hunter d-didn't do this...!" Error spoke up and made everyone look at him. Dust and Horror still had their guns aimed at Hunter but were both looking at Error.

Hunter managed to pick himself up and raised a finger "I-I found him n-next to a tree by the beltway A a-area almost a week ago! And with him w-was a g-guy who was hung on a t-tree! He a-already had the wound by the time me and my colleague found him...!" He explained quickly making Dust and Horror stand down. 

"I decided to take Error in! And you know, like patch him up and feed him, stuff like that...!" Hunter finished and everyone calmed down a bit now. But looked at Error to see if his account was true, Error nodded "He did find me there. These wounds were caused by something different." He said.

Nightmare took a deep breathe "Error, you had us worried as fuck. No one leaves a note saying "I'll be gone for awhile" and suddenly, disappears!" He exhaled placing a hand to his forehead. Error looking down when he heard that "I did huh..." He murmured.

Error now can atleast assume that... His death here was a suicide.

"I-I'm back now... Aren't I? All t-thanks to Hunter." Error smiled. Nightmare turning around and walks to Hunter who was still pretty scared. He raised a finger before sighing deeply.

"Sergeant Hunter," He started and the other perked up "S-Sir."

"You are to move to our division and department within a week. Everything that's owned by you in here is to be moved aswell there. An office will be set up for you. You've done something that's made me think that you are a reliable skeleton. Got it?" He told him, making Hunter switch to a state of shock "W-What...? Just like that...?" He mumbled ever so quietly.

Dust seemed to have calmed down drastically. He places his gun on his holster as he crosses his arms "I'll... I'll have a word with the lieutenant in charge of here." He walks away and out of the room.

Horror had his gun behind him as it hung quietly. He also had calmed down too, but his doubts were still lingering.

"Error, I'll have to get you back to the mansion. You know, where we live in. I'll need to take a look at these wounds more closely." Killer motioned him outside and Error hesitated a bit while glancing at Hunter "H-He's going to be alright, right?"

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