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"Hey Error. Wake up." Nightmare shook him, making Error fuzz around and go face first into the pillow "W-What...?" He grumbled. Nightmare snorted in response "It's time to get up. We need to check in for the day." He told him.

Error looks at the clock hanging on the wall.

"I-It's 5 in the morning..."

Nightmare tilted his skull confused "Uh, we went through basic training you know. All five of us here did. So isn't it a wonder to why all of us are already up?" He told him, Error forgot that this wasn't his Nightmare.

"Oh, s-sorry. I'm still sleepy. I'll come down in a f-few." Error said, sitting up. Nightmare nodded "Right. You have a grace period of three minutes before I come up here again." He turns and walks out the room. Closing the door right after.

It was still dark outside. Error looks at his chest and sighed. Guess he's still stuck here until further notice. Could still not be as bad.

"Huh... I wonder how H-Hunter is doing--"

"Error!" Someone called from outside, making Error stand up "I-I'm up!" He yells back. Walking towards the door.

When he did, he saw Dust pass by in a towel. His body still wet "Oh hey. Bathroom is open if you want to use it. Killer called you just now." He said walking to his room. Error nodded a bit surprised to see him in that state.

He walks down the stairs, smelling something appealing.

"There you are. Jeez. Why'd you go oversleep?" Killer walks up to him with a spatula. Error snickered in response "It's too early to say I've o-overslept." He said. Killer scoffed "Sure. Sleep more than 16 hours. Go eat something, your bound to be hungry." He turns to go finish his cooking.

'So Killer is a cook huh...' Error thought before taking a seat on the table. Still fatigued.

"You look tired. You had the whole day yesterday to sleep too." Horror took a seat next to him. A plate infront of the both of them now.

"Y-Yeah I just feel more sleepy than the usual..." Error murmured. Horror grinned "Atleast you sleep more now! You usually would be up all night... Talking to yourself." He mumbled at the last part.

Error shrugged "S-Sure..."

Dust took a seat infront of him, a grin on his face "Saw Nightmare come out your room awhile ago. You wouldn't happen to know why right?" He pointed a finger at Error, Horror perking up "Wha? Nightmare in his room? Woooah."

"Uh... Is something wrong w-with it...?" Error mumbled confused, making Dust laugh "Oh sure, nothing is wrong. Nothing at all."

Horror could only stare at Dust concerned.

"Oh about that Hunter guy. I took the liberty of promoting him. Gave him a lieutenant rank. So you know, he'd be more suitable in our place." Dust added, Horror nods "I can see why, his performance back at his Division was incredible. Too rare to find units like him nowadays. I'd have given him the rank too if I had the time." He grinned.

"Alright, go eat up so we can head out." Killer places two places full of food on the table. Dust and Horror staring at it lovingly.

"Hey guys... Can I go see Hunter?" Error spoke up, Killer looks at him as he takes a seat next to Dust "Uh, yeah? He works at our Division now. And if you want you can make him your secretary or something." He chuckled.

Error smiled hearing that "Mhm..." He takes a bite off the piece of steak.


"Yes, we have the time and the rest of the day but exactly why do we need to head to yours? Again?" Nightmare said in another room, gaining the attention of everyone else.

"Damn it Ink, our support alone was enough. Why have us come to do more?" Nightmare walks into the room with his phone next to his skull, he groaned before pressing a button and slams his phone onto the table. Taking a seat next to Error.

"Something up?" Killer asked him as he ate. Nightmare groaned "Yeah. Ink wants us to go to their Division. Says that he needs us to do something because it's a Class S operation." He answered, taking some food to eat.

Killer nods in return "Atleast we have something to do now right? Pretty nice." He said. Dust shrugged "Yeah. Something to do huh."

"I can go w-with. If it can make you guys feel better." Error told them. Nightmare eased up a little hearing that. Along with Dust too.

"Sure, whatever." Nightmare muttered. Eating his food so he, aswell as everyone else can get ready for the day.

. . .

"And he fell asleep again."

"Wake him up you idiot. We can't just leave him in the car like a child."

"Oh come on Kilo, he looks like a child! So short... Even with his trench coat on now."

"You are so odd you know."

Error opened an eye slowly. To find Dust facing him "Yo. Second good morning." He grinned. Error sitting up as he rubbed an eye. Yawning afterwards "Are we h-here yet...?" He asked.

The sound of a car door closing was heard, Nightmare walked to his door "We're here. Come on you guys." He motioned. Dust and Error now getting out of the car.

The place was lively. You could see monsters and humans running around and the sight of helicopters landing and leaving the place. Making the place look like an actual headquarters.

"And, day starts now. I wonder what's going to go wrong today." Nightmare mumbled with a huff. Killer chuckled hearing it.

"Hey guys!" Someone called out, making everyone turn to see who called. Error widened his eyes to see who.

It was Outer. One of the captains around the place. Outer is one of the skeletons you'd never get mad at. He doesn't do anything wrong nor does he get on anyone's nerves. Error loves to talk to him back at his place, seeing as he had been there whenever he needed a talk. And that he was welcome at Outertale with no problems.

And Nightmare is quite annoyed at him because of his attitude.

"Outer." Killer greeted him as he walked up "Hello! I was told to be on station outside so I can escort you guys to where Ink is. Pleasure to make your acquaintance." He told them, Nightmare scoffed "Wow. Like we need an escort."

Outer laughed nervously "Sorry, we just want to be sure. You know the place was attacked and everyone's on edge lately. I'm trying to keep myself and the others together you know?" He smiled.

Dust nodded in response, understanding the situation "Yeah I can see that. Everyone is more active here. And usually it's not this active too. You wanna lead us to Ink now?" He said. Outer nodded before his eyes moved to Error.

"Oh my stars-- Error?! Your actually here? This is a surprise!" He went up to him happily. Error smiled in return "Y-Yes. I figured that I should spend time o-outside seeing as I've been gone for awhile." He told him.

Outer nodded "Yeeaah... You were gone for awhile. I've heard reports of it. Your disappearance was quite controversial here too." He mumbled, placing a hand on his shoulder "Well, glad your back! Let's get this on aye?" Outer pats his shoulder, turning around and started walking.

"Such an annoying one. How'd you become friends with such a nerd? I wonder how he even got his rank too." Nightmare scowled. Horror snickered, nudging Nightmare "He's just talking to him Night. Calm down."

After leading the group inside a building, they stopped after walking through a quiet hallway. Outer stood next to a door motioning them "Ink and the others are in there. I'll be here in the meantime." He said. Everyone now walking in the room.

Error noticed something as they did, Killer was behind him and he saw him move his hand a bit as he passed Outer. A quiet and quick conversation audible.

"R-Really Killer...?"

"Oh you wouldn't have mind if I did that right~?"

"Touching me is prohibited..."

"Like that applies to me."

Error shrugged. Continuing his way in. Killer following right after.

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