To another place.

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Glitch took a step off the bus, thanking the driver briefly before it left. His bag he brought still with him. Even if it was pretty much loaded with his sidearm and other foods. Aswell as his money, and identification of course. 

''This is the last one. If it still doesn't work, then we can say sayonara to this portal of yours.'' He muttered, walking down the street to head to the park of this city. 

''Beltway A, Bethesda. Jeez it took awhile for us to get here. It's night too.'' He laughed. Now infront of the park's entrance. It looked like no one was here.

Except that one truck that was parked in the corner. Someone must have left it there.

And just as he heard, it was foggy too. Maybe this was it?

'We came at a right time.'

'The portal will work here.'

'Go deeper in.'

Glitch scoffed ''I know what to do. We've done this 18 times and still counting. It's already been three weeks for fucks sake.'' He started to walk in the foggy park. He couldn't see two feet infront of him but he kept going.

He arrives in the middle, taking a seat ''I'm here. Same thing?'' He raises his hand, already prepared for this to not work again.

A gust of wind hit him, making him shiver a bit as he closes his eyes. When he did open them, a portal was infront of him.

But it wasn't the usual black portal. It actually had color and a environment in it. Glitch awed ''Well. Guess it worked this time.'' He chuckled backing off as he lowered his hand. 

'Go in now.'


Glitch shook his head ''No way I'm just packing up now. I wanna go tell the others--'' 

'There's no time.'

'We've already taken up too much time.'

'Too much time was wasted. It's now or never.'

'Dude, like seriously. The fog is here for a reason. Which means, by tommorow or later, we can't create another portal.' 

Glitch scoffed ''The hell you guys can't. What, you guys have lower priveleges or something?'' He taunted. Then suddenly they started shouting at him. Glitch placing his two hands on both sides of his skull.


Was all the words that kept repeating which made Glitch groan ''Alright, alright! Just make sure I get to go back alright!?'' He shouted, jumping through the portal. When did, it dissapeared.

Someone that was holding another was now seen as he walked to the scene of where Glitch had left off. 

Hunter held Error by his side, still injured. 

''Huh... I'm pretty sure I heard someone here-- Crap-- Keep it together, I'll get you help...'' He continued his route to his truck. Error in tow ''John! Hey, can you atleast help me load him up?!'' He yelled, assuming it was him that was here.

. . .


''Fuck, shit! That hurt!'' Glitch held his skull in pain. He just fell skull first. After that, he stood up investigating the environment. He was in a city. It was also night, but the lighting that was around the place kept the area fairly lit.

He realized that he was in an alley. 

''Well, I'm obviously somewhere else in the country. Good job guys, I'm in another timeline.'' He snorted, walking forward to where the end of the alley was.

'You are in another timeline.'

Glitch waved his hand around tauntingly ''Of course I am. I recognize this place. It's probably the city by Mount Ebott. If that is the case, my ride home should take a few hours instead of the whole night.'' He mumbled. 

Suddenly, he hears a click behind him. In which, Glitch turned around to see someone standing there. He had his hands in his pocket and his hood up.

Glitch huffed ''What do you want?'' He asked as he takes something out of his bag, placing his hand inside the pocket of his jacket too. The other individual laughed ''You're not from around here, aren't you?'' He responded.

This made Glitch roll his eyes ''Kay man. If you wanna mug people, fuck I'd care. But no one does it to me. Hands out your pockets slowly.'' He pointed his gun at him and the other individual seemed to have tensed.

He took his hand out but the other one stayed there in his pocket. Glitch slowly moved a bit to the dumpster that was near him, standing behind it ''I said, both hands out. Not just one hand.'' He told him.

When he did, a gun was pulled out from his pocket. He fired at Glitch who took cover behind the dumpster he stood behind in ''See, that's what I was fuckin worried about.'' He raises a finger and peeked.

The man yelped, his hand that held his gun now entagled and was pulled up as he struggled ''The hell!? Come on--'' He pulled his arm back, glancing back and forth at Glitch as he walked up to him ''And, like that, solved. God you idiots don't know who you go up against huh?'' He taunted, nabbing the sidearm from him. Placing the gun in his pocket.

''And you don't know who you're up against either! This is our turf

Glitch rolled his eyes ''Of course I don't. Also, turf...? I don't remember any gangs taking place in this city.'' He eyed him confused.

But he stopped moving and went quiet, hearing footsteps coming from above, right and left. Glitch backs away from his tied up offender as he chuckled ''So, you have friends huh?'' He mumbled. 

The strings were shot, releasing him. Glitch turned tail and ran.

When he reached a dead end, he took cover behind a wall. He had nowhere to go. The two alleyway paths were blocked by more than 9 monsters and humans. All of them had guns ''Who's the idiot now huh?! No one messes with the GDocks!'' One of them shouted shooting his gun at him.

Glitch was now confused, he doesn't remember any gang menbers being formed here!

"Okay, I'm confused! What the fuck are you talking about?!'' He yelled, moving so he wouldn't get hit by the spray of bullets.

"This is our turf, you clueless idiot!" Someone yelled, firing another shot at him as it hits the wall.

"You're firing at a officer, you shitheads!" Glitch peeked, his sidearm out before firing his own gun. It hit one of the offenders in the shoulder, it fell down to the side in pain.

"Well 'Officer', you can go fuck yourself and die!"

Hearing those words, Glitch tensed. He started to look for a way out of here. But they were still covering the two exits out of the place. But one of the exits only had one person standing there. He looked like he was having trouble with his gun.

"I need to get clear and comprehend to what's happening... Shut up...! I know what I'm doing you don't need to tell me what to do!" He grumbled, standing up and fires his gun. When they took cover, he ran away into the alleyway, turning another corner before disappearing.

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