Failed attempt

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''How did you find me!?'' Glitch fired his gun at the trio that kept dashing and dodging, him trying to tie them up but is unsuccessful everytime, they kept cutting them. Ink realizing on how weaker he was compared to Error.

''This is going to be easier than I thought. Dream?'' He mumbled, Dream walking up to his side with his bow. Him already having an arrow out ''I got it.''

He fired an arrow and Glitch could barely even react in time. He shot the arrow and it spun to another side of where he was. Him blinking to how fast it fired, it was as if the arrow was a bullet seeing the speed.

He stared at the blue glowing arrow before glancing at Ink "You... The first time I saw you, I thought you were just annoying the hell out of your opposer. But the more scenes I saw, the more obvious it was that you were trying to kill him."

Ink raised an eyebrow "What? You aren't even Error. You're probably just a copy from a timeline that appeared. I myself, don't have problems with them. That is until they become an issue towards me." He points his paintbrush at him. Glitch scoffed "I'd have not fucking cared if all I could see was you attacking the other me. All you've done was torture him."

"Torture?" Ink laughed, "He was torturing himself. If he actually had a sense of mind that he would lose whatever he did... Then he could have just... Stopped you know? Or atleast just let me create without him destroying other timelines. You do know that right? Imagine, all the lives he has taken." He told him "World after world he had snuffed. And all for what?"

Ink was shot on the cheek, he moved a bit so it could only scratch him. But it still left a wound there "Worlds that you so forcefully create. I know there's a limit to everything, dipshit. Don't think I'm an idiot to suddenly side with you." He sneered, Ink held his cheek before narrowing his eyes "You wasted the chance to by doing that."

A bullet hit Glitch by the chest, fazing him for a moment as he backed off.

Glitch averted his gaze to G "What the fuck are you doing?! Weren't you helping me just awhile ago?!" He yelled, G didn't answer. His eyes were lifeless.

Turning tail, Glitch ran. Ink and the others now in pursuit.

. . .

"Shit." Night huffed, crouching down as he held his skull "That was more different than what I'd expect... Fuck me that felt exhilarating!" He exclaimed and Hunter nodded panting "That... That was awesome. Teleporting Was like that?"

Error chuckled "It is if you're new to it. Now, we're in the middle o-of the town. Glitch has to be here somewhere." He mumbled noticing the people that were talkative around.

'There's a firefight over by the hotel's alleyways...'

'I know. I think I saw The Boss there. Shit, you think that was important?'

'One of them had a bow and a brush. I wonder how people even run around with those...'

Error laughed "S-Seems like we know which direction we're going." He turned to the two that had picked themselves up. Hunter held his rifle tight "We do? That's nice then... Do we go now or?"

"Listen, Glitch is under fire. Which means once we get to him, there's going to be a fight on our hands. N-Now it's up to us whether or not he lives. Both Ink and Dream are persistent." Error tells Night and Hunter, in which Night looked like he was nervous "The fuck do you mean if he lives? He is going to live shut the fuck up about that."

Error stared at him and smiled "You believe me now huh. Y-Yes, he is going to live. Sorry. L-Lets go, they're a few minutes away from us." He starts power walking and Night followed, Hunter shrugged grinning "This is getting better and better. Wait for me!"

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