To try, yet abort.

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It was morning, Dust and Horror had decided to go check in on the Division. Killer, Nightmare and Error stayed back at the mansion.

Error was also trying to find a perfect time to talk to him about it. But Nightmare seems to be talking about something with Killer, he's not sure what, but it looks serious.

"W-What am I even doing?! I j-just have to talk to him! I swear I'm going to have a r-reboot when I'm done with this." Error grumbled, sitting on the bottom of the stairs. He hasn't had a clue yet to why his portals won't work. He's been thinking about that since he's arrived here.

Maybe his UI was severely damaged when arriving here? This is a big place, so taking all the information from something like this within a day would be difficult.

Error's thoughts lingered to his regular timeline. To how the Nightmare he knows is doing.

Hopefully, back there isn't as bad as when he was still there. Doing everything in his power to keep things in check.

"I don't see why Ink never listens to you. His act is all bullshit. If he thinks that he's going to keep up his 'creating' then he might aswell be referred to as the villain. He'll get everyone fucking killed."

"You? Fuck I do think your the villain here. I understand your stuff completely unlike some emotionless shit. So don't think that your in this alone. I've got your back. Whether you like it, or not."

Error sighed "Nightmare... H-Hope your doing well..." He murmured.

"I am doing well? What's the matter?" Nightmare spoke up, grabbing the others attention as he stood from the stairs, a bit surprised "I-- Its nothing!" He responded quickly.

Nightmare looked at him confused but shrugged "Uh. Alright? You know it's okay to talk to me if you have a problem. I'm always here." He smiled. Error widened his eyes a bit "Wait, y-you aren't mad at me?" He asked.

Nightmare shook his head as his smile fades into a puzzled grin "No? Why would I be mad?" He answered slightly confused. Error took a deep breathe, trying to rehearse in his head on what he was supposed to say.

'I feel like I was better off dying than having to experience this. no wait not that.' Error thought, his eyes turning into numbers. Nightmare perked up seeing them "Are you okay...? You look sorta like your about to have a breakdown. Again." He pointed at them worried.

They disappeared, Error shook his head before seeing Killer on the couch, He was staring at us like he was interested in our conversation. Other than that, he looks like a total creep right now. Then he looked away, now to his phone.

"No, I'm al... Alright. I've been thinking a-about something lately, that's why." Error mumbled looking down. Nightmare raised an eyebrow "What is it?" He gives his full attention to him.

"It's... About me..." He started, "I'm... I'm not the skeleton you think I am." He says, Nightmare looking even more confused "What? Error, speak up. I can't even hear you. What are you saying?" He asked crossing his arms.

Error realized something, why is he even saying this?! He won't believe this one bit! If he reveals that he's not the Error of this world, no one would even think that and shrug it off like he didn't even say it!

"Hey, I'm here. If you need something, I'll be here for you. Okay? It's not like I'm going anywhere. Take your time." Nightmare smiled warmly. Error tensed, it's like he wants him to say something he wants to hear!

Yet Error felt bad now. He thinks that he's the skeleton he loves. If this was his Nightmare he'd have spit it out days ago. But he wasn't.

Error started to think of something else to say, his plan now firing back. He needed to get out of this conversation somehow. And if he couldn't, he might aswell just say it.

Nightmare looked nervous all of a sudden as he turns away for a moment

"You know what, screw it... Error I--

"gUYS QUICK NEWS." Killer butts in going Inbetween them, Nightmare had a disappointed frown but looks at him "Oh. What is it?" He said, Killer raises his phone to show an announcement written on a page.


Nightmare widens his eyes "Wait, really? Today? This isn't bullshit?" He asked, Killer nodded excited "Hell yeah! It's about time we get some time off for a whole week!" He giggles and starts to vibrate. Again did Error get creeped out.

Was it even possible to vibrate?

Error was a bit relieved that he was cockblocked by Killer, but it was good. He was running out of words to say.

Nightmare turns to Error "So... What I was about to say was--" He says, Error nods quickly "No, n-no it can wait! But I have to wonder, w-what exactly is going on?"

Nightmare frowned but took note of his curiosity and confusion, raising a finger "Well, if you don't exactly remember, it's usually a party where all the higher ups from every Division celebrate in. It only happens every year and they're always great. They always take my mind off things that stress me out." He explained, Error awed getting it "So... It's a party basically? I can d-deal with that."

"Yeah you two we have to go check in at the division and be sure that every staff that decided to check in is there. I'd say there would be around ten of us going there. Eleven now that Hunter is one." Killer mentioned, Nightmare raising an eyebrow hearing Hunter's name "You guys turned him into a?"

Killer rolled his eyes "And of course you have no idea. He's a Lieutenant now, Nightmare. And judging from what I've heard just earlier, something happened. Dust says that Hunter took Brendon, Vickson and Trevor all down. All because they decided to mess with him! Hunter wasn't even bruised or anything!" He laughed, Nightmare grinned "Those three? Fucking hell. Good job for him then. Maybe I'll consider not getting pissed at him."

Error was now curious to what's going to happen later. That was until Killer turned to him "Also, you might have heard about your two brothers?" He points at him and Error had a poker face "wat"

Killer snickered "What do you mean what? Fresh and Geno? Those two? Oh come on you three were inseparable during training until the two of them had to move." He chuckled. Nightmare agreed "You three were just that. If one of you were hurt, you two would be all 'The fuck did you do to him?!' And stuff, funniest shit I've seen before."

Error crouched holding his skull as he started to take deep breathes.

"A surprise a-after a-fucking-nother!" He muttered. Having thoughts to whether he should turn automatic mode off for his UI and turn it manual so he'd learn stuff himself or let it be.

Either way, this was unexpected.

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