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Ink, or Nightmare.

It would be necessary to choose Ink, seeing as Nightmare 'lives' with him.

Either way, Error was going to learn something from the two.

"Hey N-Nightmare, we can talk about that later back at the mansion." He tells him, Nightmare glares at Ink for a moment, before nodding "Fine. I'll go leave you two be. If you need me, I'll be hanging out with your brothers." He mumbled, turning around to leave.

Ink snickered "Yep, what I asked did peek your interest." He says.

. . .

Error sat next to him, he was just idly staring at his glass of wine. He has never tasted this, yet it smelled sweet. It tempted him a bit.

"So, first thing is... You jumped earlier when I mentioned something about Fate, in which I also spoke up about earlier too. Also, I just read about that line in a book. I thought it'd be all scary and stuff." Ink chucked, looking at Error "I was also right about that. And, I have no idea what Fate really means, it just crosses my mind. And well, I wasn't scared about the line, I was sorta surprised about how you reacted. Why did you react that way?" He asked him.

Ink swirled his glass a bit, the ice hitting the sides softly. Which, his drink was also wine. Because he doesn't like beverages that are mostly just alcohol whatsoever. He thinks it makes people cranky.

Error perked up, "And how is this related to your first question...?" He murmured, remembering things to why he hates Fate itself.

"Dunno, I was just wondering. If you don't want to answer it, then I'm alright with it--"

"Fate, is one's inevitable end, or certain path that can't be changed no matter what. So, there are two individuals, one creates, and the other destroys. Who do you think will win?" Error asked him bluntly, Ink blinked, thinking about it for a few seconds.

"I'd say... Maybe the creator? What's this about?" He answered him, his hand on the table as he tapped it lightly, Error looks away "What if, the destroyer was doing it for a reason? And that, it wasn't for his own selfish reasons that no one understood? And that the creator kept doing something that's endangering everyone else?" He added to the question.

Ink blinked a few more times hearing that, a hand on his chin "Huh... Then my choice would probably linger to the destroyers side. But... If no one understood what he was doing it for, then it would be inevitable that the destroyer would lose, for who would want to support someone's actions that would possibly kill others in their perspective."

Error eased up hearing his words. Atleast this Ink had a mind to use.

"...Fate favors only one huh. I get it." Ink laughed softly, though it wasn't the happy one that you'd usually hear from him.

Ink coughed "That's out of the way, and I'm sorry for whispering that behind you and well, asking it. It's like you've actually experienced what you just answered." He grinned curious.

"Now, my actual question. It's about those 'timelines' of yours. You mentioned them when you had a session with Dream. You know, because of your nightmares?" He started,

"You said you... Saw yourself. But in like, a white never ending room. And what was more creepier, is that you also mentioned that I was standing right, right behind you. Like I wanted to attack you."

Error tensed, the scenario of that exact moment replaying in his mind quickly. He shook his head "Y-Yes, what about those?" He said. Ink averting his eyes as he whistled "I've read something in those classified documents from the Paranormal Activity team. It took me a few to get them, but I discovered that there's an area maybe a few thousand kilometers away, where the air suddenly gets foggy." He tells him.

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