Final status.

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''Hm...'' Error stood outside the room, like how a child would wait for his parents to come out. He slowly stared at his bottom "Trying t-to make me feel weird again G-Glitch..."

The moment he went into the next room , someone else was there too and suddenly raised Error up.

"eRROR! You're actually here! It's been awhile!" Hunter smiled widely, carrying him like he was light as a feather. Error got ahold of himself and laughed "H-Hunter. It's nice to see you t-too." He bonks his skull lightly and he was put back down. But Hunter was a bit tempted to batista bomb him.

Hunter scratches the back of his neck "It's been a week or two already. And of course a lot has happened, I also took and practiced the book you gave me on making portals, harder than I expected honestly." He blabbers, now speaking like he was talking to a long lost friend.

Error places his hands up "A-Alright... Calm down. D-Did you make a portal successfully or?" He questioned, Hunter perked up "Oh! Yeah! I made a small one. Could only fit my hand through though. I think I saw a volcano area? Was pretty hot though. Had to pull my arm back out."

"Y-You managed to make one within a week already? Well... Y-You are a Judge. Can't say I-I'm surprised." Error chuckled. Hunter took a bar of chocolate out of his jacket "Here, I keep this just in case anyone in the group would get hungry. Commander over there loves them apparently. I thought that maybe you would too." He hands it over to him, and Error took it smiling "Thank you, Hunter. I-I'll eat this later when I get hungry. Also, C-Commander?" He asked, the chocolate bar was wrapped in strings and was dragged into a portal. Disappearing right after.

Hunter stared in awe at the portal for a second, before shaking his head "Ah, right! Commander, is the name I call Glitch since I don't wanna call him a Error when there's another Error, cause imagine if I call him and you also turn it'd be funny." He answered cackling a bit, Error nodded "I see. Where are the o-others then?"

"Kilo is outside, might come inside in a few minutes. Blood is probably at the triage area. There isn't anyone wounded, but he has to take care of the medical shipments this month." He explained, a hand on his hip. 

Dust enters the room the two occupied, he raises an eyebrow seeing Hunter "Huh. It's you again. So this is your timeline?" He walks up to him, his hands in his pockets. 

Hunter blinked, shaking his head before raising a hand up "O-Oh! You're not from here. I'm Hunter. I'm the apparent 'Judge' of this place." He tells him. Dust whistled "Damn. You own the place? Kinda terrifying dude. This place is too big for one skeleton to manage. I'd rather ditch the place for awhile before coming back." He motions his hand to his neck, and Error scoffed as Hunter lowered his hand "You did that already, Dust. P-Please don't encourage him to do that." 

Dust rolled his eyes "Whatever Error, it's not like he's going to do it right? No offense man." He turns to him, and Hunter nodded "None taken."

"Hunter? Are you in here? I need something done for me..."

Hearing the voice, Dust perked up "What... That voice." He started to look around, searching for wherever it came from.

Kilo enters the room, a few papers on hold as he kept reading them "So, I was having a talk with Captain Fallacy from the GIGN the other day, and now he wants someone from here to sign something with Lieutenant Encre..." He looks up from what he was reading, and widened his eyes seeing Error.

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