Chapter 25 - calum

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I was pointing the arrow towards the orc that was sitting on a log not knowing I was about to end its life. I know Ashton had trusted me with the bow and was depending on me as time passes by but I can't do it. I can't kill, I've sworn an oath to myself. I lowered the arrow on the bow and took a step back. "What are you doing?" Michael hissed at me. "I won't do it." I state.

"You can't what?" He asked again as if not hearing me the first time.

"I won't do it!" I said a bit louder. I know the orc and his other friends have done some horrible things to people and slaughter for fun, I don't do that. I have never harmed anyone before. It is pretty pathetic for a prince who's supposed to be king, choosing pacifist over genesis.

Michael looked a little angry when he stuck his face in front of mine. "You won't do it? Or you can't do it? Which is it because Ashton and Luke are depending on you at this very moment and you're too afraid to act!" I looked away from his face so all I could feel is his angry breath on my neck. "Do you want them to die?" I shake my head in fear, starting to cower away from Michael's risen voice. I didn't want them to die. No one should die. "If so, the blame will be on you and you only! You shoot that arrow right now through that orc or wait around and watch your friends die."

I gulped knowing Michael's right. Standing around won't do anyone good especially since Ashton is still waiting for a signal from me. I walk back closer to get a better view of the orc still sitting on the log and placed the arrow back on the bow which ended up slicing my palm in the process and pointed the arrow. I gripped onto the bow, taking a breath in and letting it out. Michael is beside me and told me to shoot. I ended up doing it, I released the arrow. I killed someone. I killed a creature. I murdered.

I hadn't realized I was dozing off when Michael grabbed my arm forcefully and started running out to the field where we saw Luke mostly fighting and Ashton watching from behind. When we got closer, the grip he had on my arm was gone and I watched him pull out the sword he had that was all black but shiny yet not that reflective in the sun, now seeing him running off to Luke's side to help out.

The whole time I thought to myself "I broke my oath, my own oath, and now my parents hate me."

I knew the truth. Michael and I know the truth, yet no one around us did. I was told to keep my mouth shut otherwise people's lives would be in danger. I didn't understand but I did what I was told. Michael would be angry and I'd hate to make him have a bad day.

I wasn't thinking right when I had pulled out a lighting materia and ended up hurting Ashton, not just the creature that was crawling with its half bloody body and grabbing onto his ankle.

Something inside me clicked just like it had when I was with Luke. It started to make me really think about what Michael said to me a month ago.

"Do you remember who you are?"


"Michael...?" I say feeling uneasy for speaking up. It wasn't long after Michael and I found out who Luke really was. Michael got angry. I didn't know why. I should be getting emotional over this but I'm not. I knew there was something different about me, I just didn't know what it was until I met Michael. He's been so encouraging towards me about being king and I appreciate all that he's been doing for me but I couldn't help to think that Luke should be the one crowned. Michael always shows the fact that he is a good friend to me when talking with others about our friendship, sometimes he's not. We have known each other for longer when Ashton had submitted himself back on the throne. He's always been trying to get me to do bad things but makes it like it's a good thing.

"Calum...don't and I mean don't tell anybody about this, got it?" He put a hand on my shoulder and it took every ounce to not flinch at the sudden contact. There's no need for me to push away, I should feel safe around him even if it doesn't at times.

I nod, responding with, "Okay." He took away his hand that fell to his side. "Good." He looks around the room then back at me. "I want to take my mind off of this whole thing. Mind if we took our session in private?" Every time he says that I know what he wants. He wants to kiss me until his thoughts are cleared. I wouldn't say the word 'used', it's how Michael shows his affection towards me. The only way. At least, that's what he said.

Before I had answered back, he was already locking the door so that no one would come inside the library. He came over to me and leaned closer towards me, leaving me uncomfortable. He bites down on his lip and grabs onto my tunic and starts to remove it. "Wait," I say. He looks at me confused."I-I don't want to do this."

"What?" He growled. "Do you remember who you are? You never gave me a choice so why should I give you one?" This is why I feel different. He keeps telling me as if we have known each other in the past. Either he's the crazy one or I don't remember. Is he talking about past lives? Then how does he know...?

"Please Michael... I'll make it up to you later, I pro-" Suddenly he pushed me back hard on the ground. The pain from my skull was unbelievable. Michael only looked down on me in disgust. "You really have become pathetic. You do everything I tell you to do and never have you did things in your own way. Sauron and Mikhail would certainly disapprove of this."

My head is throbbing and my eyes are glued shut. Even when I close my eyes, it still feels like everything is spinning. I heard his footsteps taking steps back until I heard the couch squeak. He must be sitting down. He mumbled a few things to himself, too far for me to hear and heard him getting up quickly, kneeling beside me. "Shit. Calum. I'm so sorry," He helps me in an upright position while I flutter my eyes open, seeing Michael's face scrunched up in worry. "I overdid it again, didn't I? I was so focused on being angry--Calum... Forgive me."


"You'll be good going to sleep alone? I could stay if you want me too." Luke asked standing in front of me by my bedroom door.

"Yes, Luke. I'll be fine, trust me. You've proven to me there's a lot more to life than having to constantly think about what others think of you and meeting their expectation. I'll go to bed thinking about all that you did for me."

He nods and swallows out the words. "Anytime." and then I left behind my bedroom door. I sighed out in relief when I shut the door. I saw Michael waiting around in my room and turns to the sound of the door shutting close and walks over to me. "What's wrong?" He puts his hand to my cheek that has a teardrop rolling down and wipes it away with his thumb. I wrap my arms around his neck and hug him tight. I could tell he was surprised with the action I made by the way he didn't instantly hug me back but after a while when he realized I wanted comfort from him, he hugged me and rubbed my back in soothing circles.

I squeeze him for one last hug until I stepped back. "What happened?" He asked me again. "You're right," I say going over to a family portrait I was in. "I am different." I pick up the photo frame and throw it to the ground. The glass cover smashed into serval small pieces. Michael got closer to where I was at. "I know."

To be continued...

A/N: I told you I feel the twist coming. Lashton1975

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