🐺 2° FIRST DAY 🐺

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Jimin and Taehyung were on their way to school. Jimin looked at his watch and realised that they were running late.

"Tae let's shift"


"We're running late"


Taehyung and Jimin shift into their wolf forms and start running keeping their clothes inside their bags. Taehyung had soft, silky silver fur. Jimin had chocolate brown fur. They reach the back entrance of the school, wearing their clothes, they enter.


"Woah this place is huge!"

"Y-Yes" Taehyung was nervous. He can't let anyone know he's an omega



"You know I-I can't tell anyone about m-me being an o-omega right?"

"I do. Namjoon told me"

They walk to the headmaster's room to get their locker keys and make their way to the lockers. Taehyung walked looking at the floor causing him to bump into someone and fall.

"I-I'm so s-sorry I d-didn't mean t-to"

"It's fine, I'm alright" the boy got up and lend a hand to Taehyung

He looked up to see the brightest smile on the boy's face. He reminded him of sunshine. Taehyung got the help of the boy's hand and stood up.

"I'm Jung Hoseok. And I'm a werewolf"

"I'm T-Taehyung and I'm a w-werewolf too"

"Hey Hoseok I'm Jimin, werewolf"

"Nice to meet you Jimin and Taehyung"

"Same here" said Jimin but his eyes shifted to the door, the entrance of the corridor. Taehyung and Hoseok followed his gaze to two boys walking. The whole school looked at them. Most of them looked at the boys with fear, some looked with anger while other were drooling over them.

Hoseok let a deep sigh which Taehyung and Jimin noticed.

"Who are they Hoseok?" Jimin asked curiously

"The school's coldest bullies. They're werewolves too and are so cruel. The one with midnight blue hair is Jeon Jungkook. He is the alpha of our pack. The grey head is Min Yoongi, he's in our pack too.

"'Our' pack?"

"Yeah. Jungkook, Yoongi and I are from the Bluemoon pack"



The two boys walked up to their lockers, taking their stuff. Jungkook gave a quick glance at Taehyung. He looked at him in the eyes and Taehyung looked away. Jungkook gave a cold glare and walked away with Yoongi.

"You don't wanna talk to them" Hoseok said worried about his new friends who received Jungkook's glare.

"We should stay away from them Tae"

"Y-Yes Chim"

"By the way, what blood are you guys? I'm a beta"

Taehyung was alarmed by that question.

"We're both betas as well" Jimin said easing up Taehyung's tense.

"I see... we should get going to class. What class are you guys in?"

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