🐺 14° MALE OMEGA 🐺

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Pic taken by me

~ ♦️ ~

The couple wake up with the sunlight's morning kisses.

Jungkook felt something tickling his nose... It was his mate's soft hair. The younger was resting on his chest with his arms wrapped around him. He was loving this moment with his mate.

Taehyung rubbed his eyes and Jungkook closed his eyes pretending to be asleep. Taehyung saw Jungkook and caressed his cheeks. He traced his fingers along his abs. He went up and pecked his lips.

"My cute alpha"


"I thought you were asleep...?"

"I-I uh... Y-You can't call me cute. I'm NOT cute"

Taehyung giggled at Jungkook's childish cuteness.

"You're so cute I wish I could adopt you"

Jungkook faked a pout and Taehyung kissed it.

"See? You're so cute my little baby"

"You're baby zoning me?"

"Is there anything called 'baby zoning' in the first place?"

"Hmm... I don't know... I just said that cause you were gonna adopt me"

They both laughed and sat up. Taehyung hissed in pain.

"Was I too harsh?"

"No... you were gentle. It's just that it was my first time"

"Mine too"


"Yup... Let's go down for breakfast"


The couple get out of the bed. Jungkook goes to his room for a shower and Taehyung in his room. They came out at the same time and go down for breakfast.

They walked down to the dining table where there were five of them. Taehyung ran to Namjoon inspecting him.

"You're alright hyung?"

"Yup... I'm back to normal"

"Tae you..."

"What is it Jin hyung?"

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