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~ ♦️ ~


The next few days were as usual, until one day...

Taehyung woke up as usual, feeling those strong arms wrapped around his delicate waist. Tight, yet soft. He turned around, loving the sight, even though he gets it every morning. A sleeping Jungkook.

Jungkook was known for his fearsome personality and attitude. He wasn't afraid of anything. Seeing the true alpha blood monster... in bed so calm and peaceful was a rare sight, which only Taehyung got to see every morning.

He caressed his mate's cheek and pecked his forehead. It was a struggle for Taehyung to get out of the bed every morning. Well the grip for those muscular arms was no joke.

"How can someone have such a tight grip even in their sleep?!" Taehyung whisper yelled to himself as he was still struggling to leave those arms stronger than iron chains. As he tried wriggling himself out, the grip only got tighter.

"Baby stop, stay here I wanna cuddle more~"

Jungkook snuggled more into Taehyung's back as he said that. Poking his nose into Taehyung's nape, with his hot breath fanning over, Taehyung felt shivers go down his spine. But he couldn't help but coo at his adorable boyfriend who looked like a whole baby, except for being large and muscular.

Taehyung thought it wouldn't hurt to stay like that for a while, until... he felt his stomach churn.

"Kookie let go"

"But you're so warm-"

"Kookie I feel like I'm gonna thro- mhfmm"

Taehyung sealed his mouth with his hands. Jungkook shot up of the bed and sat straight looking at Taehyung.

"Tae baby are you alright-"

Taehyung ran to the bathroom, and threw up. Jungkook rushed after him with a glass of water to drink. He patted his mate's back, and wiped of his tears and caressed his cheeks in a very soft way, like he'd break like flimsy glass if any pressure was applied to it. He helped Taehyung sit, brush his teeth and wash up. Taehyung didn't say a word the whole time. He had his time listening to all the sweet words Jungkook kept murmuring in his ear.

Jungkook kept asking Taehyung if he was alright, but his answer every time was yes, and Jungkook was left worried every time. He helped Taehyung dress up and do everything, he even insisted on seeing the doctor, but Taehyung was convincing him saying that it was probably something he ate. But there's no way Jungkook was believe that cause Taehyung stayed home ever since grad8and the only food he ate was Jin's food. Which meant, there's was nothing wrong with the food he ate or water he drank.

He didn't want to sound annoying, so he pretended that he believed Taehyung's excuse, but secretly had an eye on him.


I threw up this morning. I still feeling kinda groggy about it so I distracted myself by watching some movies. I told Jungkook that it might be because of the food... but I know it's not. I wanted to have a check up, just in case.

I was feeling hungry so I went to the kitchen to pick up a snack. I went for the chocolate oreos but also wanted the peanut butter spread. That might be a good combination. I went for a bunch of other snacks cause I was hungry, after skipping breakfast.

I was munching on my snacks watching a movie and felt someone stare at me. I turned around to see Jimin look at me with disgust.

"Why are you looking at me like that?-"

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