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~ ♦️ ~

"Woah... It's huge"

"It's larger than the Silver stone mansion!"

"Feel free to use the unoccupied rooms"

The pack members go to the rooms and were getting their wounds treated.

"Jungkook where's Namjoon?"

"I'll take you" Jisung says and Jin takes Yeontan with him.

Taehyung cried on Jungkook for the moment... but wasn't trusting him completely. He knew Jungkook only started liking him because they're fated mates. He might only like him for his body... is what Taehyung was thinking.

"Tae... you can sleep in my room-"

"J-Jungkook it's fine... I-I know you're doing t-this because we a-are now h-homeless... notbecauseyoulikemeoranything" he mumbled the last part.


"W-Where's the guest r-room?"

Jungkook deeply sighed and walked Taehyung to the guest room.

"My room is on the opposite side... you can come there for any help-"

"I-It's fine I can t-take care of m-myself... wait... w-where is Namjoon hyung?"

"Second floor, first room on the right-"

Taehyung ran upstairs and found the room. He saw Namjoon sleeping on the bed with bandages all over him. Jin was still cleaning his small cuts.

"How i-is he Jin hyung?"

"He sleeping... he won't wake up until noon tomorrow. He had a few broken ribs and deep cuts on his back... and all over his body"

Taehyung started crying really hard. He broke down and sat on the floor next to Namjoon's bed. Jin hugged him.

"I-It's my fault hyung... I-I should go b-back... t-to being tortured... I-I'll go back to I-Ilsung-"

"Don't ever say that Tae. It's not your fault"

"But N-Namjoon hyung is h-hurt because of me..."

"It was his decision to fight... Now go sleep, you should be tired"

"Okay... goodnight h-hyung"

"Goodnight Tae"

Taehyung goes back down to his room. He takes a warm bath and goes to bed.


"Mom, where is father?"

"He didn't tell you?"

"Tell me what?"

"He went to attack Silver stone"

"He was defeated by them two years back-"

"Don't remind him of that... He didn't think twice before selling your younger brother to them. Now he regrets that"

"Is that why he attacked them? To get him back?"

"No... to kill their alpha-"

"Luna The alpha is back" someone interrupted the talk.

The two go his room to see Ilsung very badly injured.

"Father... are you alright?"

"Y-Yes but I couldn't kill Namjoon"

"You should take some rest now"

"Listen... I want you to train hard. If not me, you should be the one to kill him. Understood Baekhyun?"

"Yes father"


It had been one day after the incident. Everyone were still tired after that happened. This was going to be home for two packs from now on. Everyone were getting used to the place... except for Taehyung.

He liked everyone and the place... but not Jungkook. Actually, he liked him... but he was afraid that Jungkook didn't like him back. He was overthinking... because he didn't want his love life to go wrong.

It was school day and Taehyung was thinking about how to face Jungkook when they get home. He had only been spending time with Jimin, Yoongi and Hoseok.

It was currently lunch and he was with Jimin in the cafeteria waiting for their friends

"I absolutely HATE periods!" he whisper yelled

"I-I don't have a clue about how it feels so I can't help ya. Sorry buddy" Jimin says to a frustrated Taehyung

Taehyung was on his periods, which meant... he was going to go in heat any time soon. When wolves find their mates, they need to mark each other and get mated, to complete and seal their bond.

"How the hell did Jungkook manage his rut?"

"Why don't you ask him?"

"Ew why would I ask him about his rut?"

"Cause you're his mate idiot"

"He has no feelings for me... even though I'm his mate" Taehyung hung his head low as he said that.

"You're overthinking Tae"

Yoongi, Hoseok and Jungkook walk in and join the two.

The school day was normal except for Taehyung who was suffering from stomach cramps. That didn't go unnoticed by Jungkook.

He went to a nearby pharmacy to find some stuff for him. He had no idea what to buy. He wanted to get him some pads and went over that section. There were people giving him weird looks.

"What the fuck?! Why do they have so many different kinds?! What's with the sizes?! What am I supposed to buy?!"

He had no freakin' idea about this. So he came up with something. He went to a older girl in that section.

"Excuse me noona, my sister asked me to buy her some stuff for her periods and I have no idea what to buy... so can you help me out?"

"Aw that's so nice of you! Wait here, let me do some shopping for you"

The girl put some stuff into the cart and gave it to Jungkook. He thanked her, payed for the stuff and went back to school.

He went to class and found out that Taehyung was in the nurse's office. He went there to see him sipping on a strawberry milkshake.

"U-Um... I got you some stuff, I'll leave it here" Jungkook said and rushed out of the room.

Taehyung didn't even get to see Jungkook's face clearly... but it was for the best. Cause Jungkook was red as a tomato. He checked the cover and found painkillers, pads, heat packs in it. He smiled to himself


The five walked back home. Taehyung went straight to his room and laid on the bed. He didn't freshen up... he was too tired and lazy for that. He was about to close his eyes but there was a new feeling in him.

He was feeling hot... EXTREMELY hot. His body was craving to be touched. His body was paining unbearably. His mind was only thinking about one person... It was-


~ ♦️ ~

Smut anyone?

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