🐺 6° WOLF IN LUV 🐺

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~ ♦ ~


I woke up... breathing hard and my face sweating... from the usual nightmare. It was something I was used to, but today, I felt more scared than usual. I felt a chill go down my spine. I had a bad feeling about today... but I decided to ignore it for my own good.

I got dressed, Gucci like always, and walked down to get greeted by Jin hyung.

"Mornin' Tae!"

"Morning h-hyung"

Jimin and Yeonjun were having breakfast and I joined them. I don't have much of an appetite generally, but today, I didn't want to eat anything. I usually eat a granola bar and strawberries for breakfast but today I only had strawberries.

We went surprisingly early to school. Like always, Chim, Hoseok and Yoongi were being all lovey dovey... leaving me all alone. Well not completely alone, Jungkook is left alone too.

I've been ignoring him quite a lot. He must think it's because he bullied me... but that's not entirely the reason. I have to admit it... just looking at him gives me butterflies in my stomach. I realised that I really am in love with him. So that's the other reason I've been ignoring him. I get really nervous around him.

Another lonesome day... school was over and Chim finally decided to pay some attention to me.

"H-Hey Tae... why are you looking at me like that?" He gave a nervous laugh

"I-I feel so b-bored without you"

"You have Jungkook to keep you company right?"

"N-Not really Chim"

"Why not? I'm sure he won't bully you anymore cause... you know why-"

"I-It's not that..."

"What is it then?"

"I... uh... a-actually-"

"Excuse me do you know anyone named Kim Taehyung?" someone interrupted

"T-That's me"

"There is a man waiting for you by the back gate and he wants to meet you alone"


"He didn't tell anything, he just wanted wanted to meet you"

"O-Okay thanks"


"Tae, I'll go with you"

"It's fine C-Chim I'll go a-alone"


Jungkook came walking out of the school when he saw Jimin, Hoseok and Yoongi talking. He went to drag them apart.

"Lets go home bitches"

"Here comes the lonesome number 2"

"Who's number 1?"

"Taehyung of course"

"Speaking of Taehyung... where is he?"

"Someone told that a man was waiting for him by the back gate-"


"He knows Tae's name... Not any random person would know his name"

"How do you know that?"

"Because our pack's alpha and luna are very protective over him... they didn't even let him go to school these years"

"They kept his information hidden?"

"His entire existence hidden"

"So how would that man know Taehyung?"





"Calm down! Lets go guys!"

And that's how the four of them ended up running to the back gate.


I went to the back gate to see a man facing the forest on the other side. There was no one else so I assumed that it was him who called me. He reminded me a lot of someone...

"E-Excuse me did you w-want to see me?"

"You still haven't stopped stuttering have you"

I froze when I heard that voice. My body started shaking and I couldn't think straight. I simply stared at my shoes.

No no no no this can't be happening!

There was a firm grip on my chin... He harshly pulled my face to meet his gaze.

It was him... The person behind the nightmares I get every night... The person I never wanted to see again... The person I wanted to forget...

My father

Why is he here?... How did he find me?

"STAY AWAY FROM HIM!" I know that voice


"And who are you?"

"That isn't important! Now let Taehyung go!"

"Jungkook calm down" Jimin whisper yelled to him

"Who is he Jimin?"

"You guys don't know him?"

They all nodded their heads saying 'no'

"He's the alpha of Darkblood... Kim Ilsung"

"And Taehyung's father" Ilsung said looking at the boys

Jungkook knew that his pack wasn't on good terms with Darkblood... he became the alpha few months back after his father died. So he wasn't fully aware of his enemy packs.

"I just came to talk Taehyung... Besides, I'm your father why are you afraid of me?" he said witha smug smile on his face.

Taehyung's face dropped... he was pale, scared and was trembling. That didn't go unnoticed by Jungkook. He wanted to go hug him, comfort him and protect him from everything in the world. That was what Jungkook felt at that moment.

The feelings he kept doubting and denying and saying that it was just his wolf had liked him, were cleared. He accepted the fact that he was in love...

In love with Kim Taehyung

"A-Al-Alpha you s-said you n-never wanted t-to see me a-again-"

"I know I said that. But I need you back"


"I want you to come back to Darkblood"

~ ♦ ~

I promised my sOUlMatE harshiiiiiiii for a double update... so here it is!

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