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Sorry I've been kinda dead lately... You can kill me for the late update-

~ ♦️ ~

"Jin hyung!"

"Tae baby you're back!"

"Um... it's not just him who is back-"

"Why are you walking so weirdly Tae?"

Taehyung flinched at the question but calmly replied.

"Kookie was on his rut so-"

"YOU GUYS DID WHAT?!" Jin yelled at Jungkook.

"What?! It's not like it's his first time!"

"That's right hyung I'm 18... You still care for me like a kid"

"I'm just worried for you Tae"

They walked in and obviously Taehyung needed help with that. Jungkook carried him all the way to their room. Jungkook still felt bad cause he fucked his mate until he bled. His guilt was evident on his face.

"Kookie... don't feel bad about what happened"

"I'm sorry Tae..."

"I already told you it's fine"

"Okay then"

"We should get some rest cause we have school tomorrow"


They freshened up and tucked themselves in the bed. They both fell asleep as soon as they laid down.


"Seriously? Just strawberries and a granola bar again?"

"Yeah... it's enough for me"

Jungkook sighs at the reply and continued eating. The five had breakfast and went to school. Once they reached, students bombarded them questions about Daegu, the audition, who won and all that.

They escaped those students and went to class. After a few hours of boredom, students who passed all three auditions were called for roles selection.

"So we're all here for selecting your roles. I have selected few of yours"

"What play are we doing?"

"We're doing beauty and the beast"

"That's for children!"

"It's such a beautiful romance story!"


"So, I thought about how you all performed and since it's more of a musical, I thought Jungkook would be good for the main role"

"You mean... the part of the beast?"

"Yeah. So I was thinking Irene would make a good beauty... There's actually... you know, kiss scenes and all of that"

"I'm sorry ma'am, I'm a werewolf with a mate so I can't do it" Irene said and held Seulgi (her mate's) hand.

"Me too" Jungkook said and back hugged Taehyung and a light blush crept up to his cheeks.

"So... Taehyung do you think you can play the role of beauty?"

"Um... A female role?"

"Yeah! You have a feminine body and you look so much like a girl!" The teacher exclaimed.

"Besides... we're mates" Jungkook said grinning at Taehyung.

"Okay, I'll do it"

"Now that's a relief!"

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