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"W-Why should Tae go back to DarkBlood?" Jimin built up a little courage to ask Ilsung

"Because I want him to continue our blood line"

"B-But alpha d-do-don't you have B-Baekhyun hyung? Isn't t-that why you s-sold me?"

"S-Sold?!" Jungkook was furious although he didn't understand what was going on.

None of them except the father and son knew what they were talking although Jimin had a vague idea of the conversation.

"Baekhyun is a normal alpha... and you are a male omega, the rarest wolf of our kind"

"So what?! You SOLD him and now you want him back?!" Jungkook growled

"I didn't know anything about male omegas back then... Besides it was the only way to save the pack"

"Save the pack...?" Taehyung thought

"So you want him back only because of your own use and not because he's your son?!"

"I don't even know who y'all are so stop interfering!"

"A-Alpha I d-don't want to g-go back"

"I don't remember teaching you to talk back!"

Taehyung flinched as tears fell when Ilsung shouted.

"Whatever... I just came to talk. But I want you to come back" And with that, Ilsung left.

"Tae... lets go home"

Taehyung wiped off his tears and trailed behind Jimin. Jungkook wanted to talk to Taehyung... he opened his mouth but the words didn't come out. He simply left with Hoseok and Yoongi.


I went back home... terrified after meeting him. He also said something about saving the pack... what was that about? I need to ask Namjoon... he probably knows.

"N-Namjoon hyung can w-we talk?"

"Sure Tae"

"T-Today um... I met I-Ilsung"

"Kim Ilsung... your father?"


"How did he find about you?!"

"I-I'm sorry h-hyung-"

"Don't apologise Tae it's not your fault"

"H-He said something a-about selling me w-was the only w-way to save the p-pack"

"He said that...?"


Namjoon let out a long sigh

"Looks like it's time to tell you"

"I-I'm listening"

"You know Ilsung sold you because you are an omega... but that isn't the only reason. Darkblood and Silverstone were at war back then... you know right?"

Taehyung nodded in response

"We attacked them... and they weren't ready. We wiped out their pack. The only ones left were a few pack subordinates, the luna and Ilsung. He asked us to spare him... and that's when Jin investigated about the pack and found about you... suffering. He said he couldn't bare to see an innocent omega like you and I felt the same way. So we came with a deal"

"W-What deal...?"

"We told him that we'd spare him if he gave you to us. We also gave him a week's time to think about it."

Taehyung's eyes were tearing up. Namjoon felt a wave of guilt hit him.

"I-I'm so sorry Tae... I didn't mean to take you away from your family... It was just so hard to see an innocent wolf get tortured everyday"

"I-It's okay h-hyung these a-aren't tears of sorrow"


"I'm s-so glad you d-did that"

"B-But Tae we wiped out most of your pack"

"T-They treated me l-like t-trash so it doesn't m-matter"


"H-Hyung I'm really a-alright."

"Remember one thing Tae... no matter what, you'll always be family to us. We all love you"

"I-I love everyone h-here hyung"

"But why did Ilsung want to meet you?"

"H-He wants me to r-return"

Namjoon looked at Taehyung shooked

"T-There's no way I-I'm going back h-hyung"

"I know you won't... But why does he want you back?"

"He s-said he didn't k-know anything about male o-omegas then"

Namjoon tensed up and Taehyung noticed

"W-What does he m-mean hyung?"

"I-I'll tell you later... now go sleep"

"G-Goodnight hyung"

"Night Tae"

I went back to my room. I took a quick shower and laid on the bed staring at the ceiling.

"How did he find me? Namjoon hyung kept all my information hidden"

I was so tired to think anymore and fell asleep.


Namjoon went to his room... deep in his thoughts. He would have bumped into the wardrobe if Jin hadn't stopped him

"What's wrong Joonie?"

"Hey honey... I gotta tell you something"

"Tell me"

They sat on the bed.

"Ilsung found about Tae"

"W-What?! How is that possible?!"

"I don't know... that's what I'm trying to figure out"

"Is Tae safe?"

"Yes he is... but he wants him back... and you know why"

"N-No way... he won't do that... right?"

"It is what you're thinking... and we can't let that happen"

"We WILL keep him safe right Joonie?"

"We will sweetie... I swear we'll protect him"


A few days passed and everything was normal. Taehyung was turning 18 in a few days. But at the same time... he was in love with Jungkook. If his mate is Jungkook then he would not know how to react because he believes Jungkook thinks of him as his target. He felt so weird to be in love with his own bully.

But if Jungkook was NOT his mate... then it would be difficult for him to forget Jungkook and move on to his mate.

But those weren't the only thoughts in his mind... He was found by the person he hates the most in the world... his father, Kim Ilsung.

He is the alpha of one of the most strongest packs in the country. It wouldn't take long for him to kidnap Taehyung. That is something that even Namjoon or Jin would find it difficult to protect Taehyung. So now his only hope was his mate... who he'll meet in a week.

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