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~ ♦️ ~

Taehyung and Jimin were helping out Jin with the meal and setting up the dinning table. Once they were done they called the others to eat.

"This smells amazing!" Hoseok exclaimed and Namjoon nodded in agreement.

They all sat down at the round table and begin eating. The lunch time was fun with everyone chatting and making jokes. Then came Jin's dad jokes...

"What is called when a cow sings?"



(For those who don't understand: Its a Korean word play... this joke came in the 12th run ep)

"So what is it called when a herd of cows sing?"


"Group lawsuit" Jin, Namjoon and, Jungkook burst out laughing while the others where just looking at them.

Jisung came to the table to report to Jungkook about some stuff. He went to where Jungkook was sitting and showed him some papers. Jisung knew something was different about Jungkook but couldn't say what it was. After he was done he walked past where Taehyung was sitting and knew something was different about him too. And that's when he realized...

He went to an empty place and called someone immediately


"What is it?"

"They've mated"


"Are you here-"

"What the fuck do you think you've done?!"

"What did I do-"


"Nothings gonna happen even if you fuck a non virgin male omega. I'll mix abortion tablets in his-"

"No don't do that yet... we'll wait for a while. I want to him to suffer, break his feelings"


"The feeling of losing his child"



"Alright then"

Jisung end the call.

"You'll suffer Jungkook"



Lunch was filled with laughter as always. Jin hyung's food was delicious as always, but not as tasty as Tae's-

I need to stop.

But I can't. He's literally the most beautiful person I've ever seen. If I lose him, I'll die. He's the most precious thing to me in the whole world.

I was getting back to work. Taehyung clung on to me like a koala. Why is he so cute? I carried him on my back all the way upstairs to my office, and he was already asleep.

I laid him on the couch, pecked his lips and got back to work. I just can't stop thinking about him.


Guess who's alive? Nah nevermind I'm dead anyways. As usual, sorry for the extremely late update. And it's also really smol-

I'm so sorry I know it's just about 300 words I'm really sowwyyy T^T

So I was having a few thoughts of discontinuing this book, since I messed up the story line and don't know how to fix it. But for some reason I decided to keep writing.

I also have some personal stuff going on so I hardly have time to write and no motivation at all.

I apologize again, I'll try to write whenever I find time.

And also... this book is coming to an end VERY soon :)

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