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Forgive me for the EXTREMELY late update... I have a lot on my plate and I had 0% motivation to write... sowwy

~ ♦ ~

Why does Taehyung smell like an omega? I thought he was a beta. It doesn't matter who he is... I just want him.


Taehyung ran out of the classroom... without a destination. He just randomly ran and ended up bumping into someone.

"What the fuck kid?-"

He looked at Taehyung and he looked back with teary eyes.

"Aren't you Jeon's target? I thought he'd be punching you somewhere... what are you doing here-" Before the guy could finish, there was an overwhelming scent.

Unfortunately, he was a werewolf and could smell the scent. His eyes went dark red. His wolf was taking over him. He licked his lips and eyed Taehyung.

"Do betas smell like this?"

Taehyung flinched when he said that. He knew he was going to be exposed now.

"Who cares about what you are? I can't wait to fuck you until you bleed" he growled and dragged Taehyung into the bathroom locking the door.

"P-Pl-Please let m-me go"

The boy didn't care to listen. He roughly pushed Taehyung to the sink which hit his waist really hard.

"You don't tell me what to do"

The boy said in his alpha voice. But surprisingly, it had no effect on Taehyung. In fact, he just got more mad. He may be an omega, be could try to protect himself in these sort of situations.

Taehyung pushed the guy away and slapped him on the face. Now he was really mad.

"You know what? I ain't gonna waste my time fucking a SLUT like you. Instead, I'll use you as my punching bag" he growled and started hitting Taehyung.

He kicked him on his stomach with his knees multiple times. He punched his face. He had bruises all over his body. The guy took out a knife and made a scar on Taehyung's face. He also made many cut all over his body. He was beaten up very badly. He was bleeding and cried in pain.

"You deserve that bitch" he spat and walked out of the bathroom leaving Taehyung on the cold floor.

"J-Jung-kook... s-somebod-y... " he coughed blood as he spoke. Before he knew it, his eye lids were heavy, he was dizzy and before he knew it... it was all black.



My mate ran away from me... MY mate ran away from ME. And that's a stab in the heart. I felt so frustrated, angry and sad. But I ain't giving up.

I searched the entire school to find him... but I couldn't. I was angry at myself. I had to myself so I went to wash my face. I opened the bathroom door turned to the sinks. My heart sank at the sight I saw.

Taehyung was lying unconscious on the freezing cold floor... bruised all over his body, blood oozing out off his cuts, and pale skin. I started to panic. I took him in my arm... he was cold as ice. His breaths were slow and soft.

"T-Taehyung?! Taehyung say something!"

I mildly hit his cheeks. He wasn't responding so carried him. His blood was staining my shirt but I couldn't care less. I suddenly remembered that time I poured juice on him because of that small stain he made. I was guilty... but this isn't the time for that.

I ran though the corridors to the nurse's office. People were staring at us but I didn't care. I put him on the bed and called the nurse. She asked me to wait and she treated his wounds.

I was angry at myself. How could I let that happen to him? I should have been with him. Whoever did that was sure gonna pay. The nurse came out.

"Is he alright?"

"Yes I've treated his wounds and he's sleeping now. You can go back to class-"

"No. I'm staying with him"


She walked out and I went in to see Taehyung sleeping. I never looked at him up close. He looks ethereal. I thought he might need something to eat or drink so I got up to leave. I felt something hanging on my shirt. Taehyung was holding on to it.

He was mumbling something in his sleep so I got myself closer to him to hear him.


Why is he scared? Is he having a nightmare? I put my hand around his shoulder and patted his back. He calmed down so I slowly walked away to cafeteria to buy him some food. I came back and saw tears pouring out of his eyes.

Is he cold?! Is he still scared?! Is he hungry?! I was thinking what would have happened and he woke up and sat up straight and shot his eyes open. He was heavily panting and more tears were coming out of his eyes.

"Hey Taehyung are you alright"

"J-Jung-kook" he coughed out. He had a dry throat so I gave him some water. after a minute or two, he was breathing at a normal pace.

"You okay?"

"Y-Yeah... I-I was in the b-bathroom...?"

"You were unconscious and you were bleeding"

"O-Oh... Thank you f-for bringing me here"

"You're my mate. I'd do anything to protect you"

Taehyung blushed at those words. He looked so cute. I just wanted to protect him from everything in the world and keep him to me ONLY.

"Were you having a nightmare?"

He flinched at those words but still decided to answer.

"Y-Yes... I-I get the same o-ones every night... I-I'm used to it"

I felt really bad. The last school bell rang which meant we could go home.

"School is over. Can you walk?"

"I-I'll try..." he tried to walk but stumbled into my arms.

"I'll help" I went back to class, took both of our bags and went back to him. I made him put his right arm over my shoulder and I held his waist by my left arm.

We saw our friends waiting by the gate. They all asked what happened and Taehyung explained. Jimin took Taehyung back while I went home with Yoongi and Hoseok.

Taehyung mentioned something about the guy using his alpha voice... and it had no effect on him. But why would it? Alpha voice don't affect betas.


...he is an omega.

~ ♦ ~

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