🐺 26° ATTACKED 🐺

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~ ♦️ ~

Jungkook, Namjoon, Hoseok and Yoongi had gone out to boundary, since they hadn't been there in a long time.

Meanwhile with Taehyung, Jimin and Jin, they were at the pack house busy preparing a meal and decorating the house.

"Yeonjun sweetie, you can play with the balloons but be careful not to burst them okay?"

"Okaie dad"

Jisung, Jungkook's most trusted beta, who always went with him wherever he goes, stayed at the pack house.

"Jisung-ssi, do you know when Jungkook and the others will be back home?" Taehyung asked, focused on icing the cake.

"Jisung ssi?" He asked once more but got no reply.

He decided to go look for him.

"They're not here"

"Okay. We'll attack now"

"Got it-"


Jisung turned around shoving his phone in his pocket, and saw a shocked Taehyung.

"Luna, weren't you preparing for-"

"What the hell did that person mean by attack?"

"Luna, keep you voice down or your precious-"

"Don't fucking call me Luna"

"Taehyung, you better keep quiet for the sake of your little Yeonjun."

"You traitor... Do you know how much Jungkook trusts you?!"

"Now shush Taehyung-"

Before their conversation can go on, the alert horn went off. Meaning, they were under attack.

Jisung knocked out Taehyung before he could do anything and tied him up, he didn't notice Yeonjun sneaking away.

They were attacked all of a sudden when they where all preparing for a party. Most of the wolves fought against them, but many couldn't survive.

Jin called Namjoon cause he couldn't mind link him as they were too far away. Hearing the news that their pack was under attack, the four rushed home... only to be greeted by the blood and corpses of their pack mates.

Jungkook's blood boiled with anger as he realized he wasn't there to protect his own pack at that time, and his warriors laid their lives for his pack.

He smashed the head of a wolf that came against him, in anger. Within minutes, he killed many of the enemy wolves.

He suddenly realized he hadn't seen Taehyung yet. Yoongi and Hoseok found Jimin, Jin and Yeonjun. But where was Taehyung?

His thoughts were interrupted by a hysterical laugh. He turned around to see Kim Ilsung laughing like a maniac.

"Looking for that little omega of yours, Jeon? Don't worry you'll never find him-"

"You piece of shit where is Taehyung?!"

"He's mine now. I'll use him to have my next true blood alpha heir!"


"HE'S MY TOOL! A rare Male omega like him, and an alpha like me, MY HEIR WILL THE MOST POWERFUL WOLF THE WORLD HAS EVER-"

Before Ilsung could finish, Namjoon threw a hard blow on his jaw.

"Kook, go look for Tae... I'll take care of this mother fucker"

"Kill him Joon"


Jungkook shifted to his wolf form and went looking for Taehyung. He tried to smell his scent. But he could sense nothing. He looked around the whole pack but couldn't find him.

Meanwhile with Namjoon and Ilsung...

"It has been 3 years"

"Yes it has, we're gonna end the war between us... once and for all. But why the hell do you want Taehyung after you abandoned him?!"

"Cause I didn't know the purpose of male omegas back then"

"What do you mean?"

"You know Namjoon, how special the male omegas womb is. The child born from that, is gold"

"You're his father and you want to have a child with him? Just for heir sake?! You disgust me!"

"You would feel the same way-"

"No I wouldn't. I'm not as shitty as you are... but I thought Baekhyun was going to be your next leader"

"Baekhyun? What you think his corpse is gonna take over?"

"What...? What do you mean by corpse? He died?-"

"He's obviously dead after I murdered him-"

Namjoon pounced on to Ilsung, punching him hard, breaking a bone with every blow.


And those were the last words Ilsung heard, before Namjoon snapped his neck.


Jungkook kept running... he ran mindlessly. The fear of losing his mate clouded his mind with negative thoughts.

That's when he bumped into a pack of enemy wolves. There were about 20 wolves. Jungkook could easily handle them, but he wasn't in the right state of mind. He was going crazy without knowing what happened to Taehyung.

The wolves attacked him and he fought back. He got stabbed on his shoulder and the side of his stomach. He tried hard to maintain his senses... but was losing them at a rapid pace.

Right on time, Hoseok and Yoongi helped him. They killed the wolves and took Jungkook to safety.


Jungkook woke up with a stinging pain in the two places he was stabbed. He looked around and identified the place was his room. His mind went blank for a whole minute and...


He got out of the bed and was going to leave the room only to be holded back by Yoongi and Namjoon.

"What the hell are y'all doing?! WHERE IS TAE?!"

"Kook calm down. About that-"

"What happened to him? I wanna see him.. RIGHT FUCKING NOW-"


There was silence in the room when they heard those three words that cane from Hoseok's mouth.


~ ♦️ ~

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