🐺 20° DAEGU TRIP PT.5 (M) 🐺

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~ ♦ ~

"Will you be my boyfriend?"

The water fountain suddenly turns on with colors and whole park was brightly lit. The purple and blue lights looking so beautiful together... small white fairy lights over every tree. There were so many colorful flowers on sides of the walk path which Taehyung didn't notice cause it was dark.

"Do the trees always have those pretty fairy lights"


Taehyung took some time to process things. Did Jungkook prepare all this? Because he was asking him out now...

"Did you just ask me out?"


"What do you think I'll answer?"

"I don't know-"

"Of course it's a yes you idiot! You're my mate why would I reject you when I love you so much?! Gosh you're so dumb! You were actually afraid?!-"

Jungkook stops Taehyung from talking by kissing him. Taehyung responded... but something was weird. Jungkook was hot. Of course he's hot but he didn't mean his appearance at the moment. His temperature.

Jungkook breaks the kiss and falls on Taehyung. He didn't know what happened and started to panick.

"Kookie? Kookie please answer me... don't scare me like this!"

His took his phone and called Jimin.

"Hey Tae-"

"Chim! J-Jungkook suddenly fainted! I don't know h-how he just-"

"Where are you two?!"

"I-In a park-"

In a few minutes, a car arrived with Jimin, Yoongi and Hoseok. Yoongi put Jungkook over his shoulder and put him in the back seat. They were on their way to the hotel.

"Why aren't you going to a hospital?"

"It's not serious-"

"How do you know it's not serious?!"

"We know how it feels when he's not having sex with mate during his rut okay?!" Yoongi yelled losing his patience.


"Yeah. What? You don't know?" Hoseok asked

"He was in his rut all this while?"

"From today morning"

"Is that why I felt so submissive than usual with him?


"But why didn't he tell me? I could have helped him out!"

"This isn't the first time... The previous time he had his first rut, he passed out about three times that day" Hoseok told

"He didn't want to hurt you... that's why he didn't tell you about it" Yoongi told him.

Taehyung felt guilty. Jungkook couldn't even tell him that he's on his rut. How could he not notice? Is he that unworthy of being Jungkook's mate? That's when he realised why Jungkook was feeling uneasy around him most of the time.

They reached the hotel and Hoseok and Yoongi helped put Jungkook on the bed. They walked out of the room. Taehyung went to pack their stuff cause they were going back home first thing in the morning. After he finished packing, he laid next to Jungkook on the bed.

He remembered how Jungkook helped him during his heat... so this time he wanted to help Jungkook. He sucked his jawline leaving hickeys. Jungkook woke up seeing his mate lying next to him in his oversized shirt and boxers.

"Why didn't you tell me?~"

"Tell you what?"

"That you were on your rut"

"I didn't wanna hurt you-"

"I want you to hurt me, ruin me, strip off every bit of innocence I have left, make me weak under you~"

Jungkook hovered over Taehyung's small, fragile frame.

"Are you sure about that?"

"Yes alpha"

"You asked for it baby"

Jungkook kissed him roughly which Taehyung liked. He went to his jaws, collarbones leaving dark purple marks which would stay for weeks. He tore the shirt and threw it on the ground. He twirled his tongue over his nipple. Taehyung shuddered due to the hot feeling on a sensitive spot.

Just looking at Taehyung's body turned on Jungkook. He left multiple hickeys on his way to Taehyung's thighs. Taehyung's moans were like music to Jungkook's ears. He slid off Taehyung's boxers and his own. He had a condom in the bedside table. God knows where it came from.

He slid it on... He didn't even give Taehyung a warning and slammed himself in.

"AAAHHHH" Taehyung screamed in pain.

"J-Jungkook stop i-it-" Taehyung looked at Jungkook and knew it was all over for him.

His eyes were bright red like rubies... His fangs were longer and sharper. His wolf took over him.

He moved inside Taehyung not giving him time to adjust. Taehyung gripped on to the sheets trying to bear the pain. Jungkook groaned because of the tightness he was giving him. So Taehyung tried to relax and not clench around him.

Jungkook went deeper with every thrust. He pulled out and flipped Taehyung over and went inside him again.

"J-Jung-kook p-please st-op" Taehyung let out breathed moans as he spoke.

But Jungkook was mercilessly pounding into him. Taehyung was beginning to lose consciousness. Jungkook was reaching his high so his size grew.

"P-Pull out i-it hurTS AARGHH!!"

"Not happening omega"

Jungkook came in the condom. He pulled out and threw it away. Taehyung relaxed a bit but became tensed when he saw Jungkook wearing a new one.

"Round two" he said and pounced on Taehyung.

He did the same again... He didn't prepare Taehyung so it hurted. This time he went more deeper hitting a bundle of nerves, and Taehyung was seeing stars.

Jungkook was out of his mind. His wolf craved for more... And he was unable to control it.

"I'm sorry Taehyung"

"J-Jung-kook p-please..."

Jungkook knew he was hurting Taehyung and he knew he had to stop... So he was mentally fighting with his wolf to stop it.

He was on his high once more. Taehyung was rapidly losing consciousness and his eyes began to close.

"No no no Tae don't!"

He felt himself expanding inside Taehyung and let out a choked sob out of pain. He wanted to pull out but he couldn't and came in the condom once more. He waited for his knot to come to it's normal size... That's when he saw blood on the sheets.


The next day Taehyung woke up see himself on a naked Jungkook. He moved around and earned a groan from his mate.

"I'm still inside of you"

"Then pull out"

Jungkook pulled out of Taehyung and saw him wince in pain. His eyes were red and puffy from all that crying last night.

"I-I'm so sorry Tae... I didn't mean to-"

"It's fine kookie... But..."

"What is it?"

"Next time you're on your rut... Tell me... Even if it was painful I want to help you"

Jungkook hesitated but still agreed.

"So... Shall we go back home?"


~ ♦️ ~

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