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"Should I kill him?"



"I don't care what you do to that alpha of yours I just need Taehyung"

"Fine... the plan will work"

"It should, cause if it doesn't I'll have your head, Jeon"

"Don't use that name"

"Whatever. Keep an eye on em... Taehyung must be unmated"



Jungkook wakes up to see the most beautiful sight. Taehyung was resting on his chest. Love bites all over his neck and collarbones from last night. What made him more gorgeous was the mark on his neck. And that's when he realized that Taehyung hadn't marked him yet. Jungkook waited until Taehyung woke up.

"Good morning cutie"

"Mhm... Good morning kookie"

"So Tae... I just found out something"

"What is it?"

"You haven't marked me yet"

Taehyung's eyes widened. He didn't know how to respond.

"What's wrong Tae?"

"Jungkookie... do you really want an omega like me to mark a lead alpha like you?"


"But why would an alpha stoop so low to-"

"No more talking... now mark me tae"

Taehyung was more than happy to mark Jungkook as his. But an omega mark wouldn't look good on an alpha would it? He looked up to Jungkook's eyes and he and nodded to him.

"I'm asking for this tae... I really want you to mark me"

Taehyung saw the sincerity in his eyes and was happy. He sat upon Jungkook who was still lying on the bed, and leaned in closer. He sunk his not so long canines into Jungkook's skin. A little bit of blood oozed out and Taehyung licked it off.

"D-did it hurt?"

"No it didn't... Now everyone will know that I'm yours"

Taehyung chuckled and got off Jungkook.

"Can we stay like that a bit longer?"

"No kookie its graduation day... we need to go"

Taehyung walked to the bathroom effortlessly

"Maybe I should have been a bit more harder last night right Tae?"

Taehyung gave a playful glare at Jungkook and walked into the bathroom and soon Jungkook followed.


"Kim Taehyung" the lady called and he walked to the stage. Jungkook, Jimin, Hoseok and Yoongi were cheering for him. Jin was clapping from the back. Namjoon couldn't attend the ceremony because someone had to take care of the pack house.

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