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~ ♦️ ~

Jungkook could sense Taehyung's scent, even though it was very faint. He also noticed that his scent was more sweeter.

"Must be the baby" he thought, and his urge to kill Jisung increased.

He broke open the doors to find Jisung waiting for him.

"Hello there little brother"

"I trusted you Jisung. And what the hell do you mean by little brother? And where is Taehyung?"

"That's a lot of questions to answer. If you want to know how we're brothers, then fight me, win against me and take Taehyung. He'll tell you everything-"

"Where is he?!"

Jisung could sense the rage from Jungkook. He hand motioned at someone to bring him. They brought Taehyung who was tied to a chair. He had red rope marks all over his body. He looked pale, but still looked at Jungkook in the eyes.


"Tae" Jisung stopped Jungkook from getting any closer to his mate. Jungkook growled and shifted to his wolf form and so did Jisung.

Jungkook pounced on Jisung and clawed his on the back real hard. But Jisung wasn't a weakling. He nearly ripped out Jungkook's shoulder. The other wolves attacked Jungkook from behind.


I could hardly open my eyes. My whole body ached badly. Jungkook was getting beaten up very badly... I could have tried to mind link him, and asked him not to come here... but I don't think he would have listened.

I couldn't just sit there looking pitiful. I wanted to help him... and that same weird feeling in me emerged. I tried to rip apart the rope but it wasn't working.


I turned to the noice to see... Jungkook was stabbed and hit on the head with an iron rod.

"JUNGKOOK" I can't lose him...

That's when the others came through the broken doors. Hoseok untied me and carried me out... but I couldn't see anything properly.

"Hoseok.. J-Jungk-ook-"

"The others are helping him Tae you gotta go home with Jin first. Don't worry we'll get Kook home"


Hoseok placed me in the backseat of the car. I could hear Jin's panicked voice and get reassured by Hoseok saying that I was just tired. Jin drove off home in full speed.


I woke up feeling drowsy. My whole body was in pain... but it was better than the pain a had for the last few days.

"Tae oh my gosh you're awake!"

"How are you feeling?"

"I-I'm fine... just that my body hurts- wait-"

"The baby is fine-"

I heaved a sigh of relief when I heard that but...


"He hasn't woken up yet-"

"Where is he?"


"Why in the hospital? Couldn't WE heal him?"

"Taehyung, he was STABBED and HIT on the HEAD with an IRON ROD"

Then it hit my brain. Wouldn't it hurt a lot? IS HE EVEN ALIVE?

"No no Taehyung... calm yourself, Kookie will be fine"

"Take me to the hospital"

"What? No. You haven't recovered yourself-"

"But Jungkook needs me!"

"Tae, Jungkook will be fine-"

"You, out of all people should understand how I feel right now Jin hyung!"

He couldn't argue back. He kept telling me that kookie would be alright. But certainly, he was afraid too.

"Okay let's go"

Those words were enough to get me jumping out of his bed, no matter how injured I was... Jungkook was the only one who mattered to me now.


We came to the hospital and found Chim and Yoongi, waiting by the operation theater. Chim hugged me tightly, and I returned it back.

"Are you okay Tae?"

"You shouldn't be here"

"I'm alright Chim... and Yoongi, I obviously can be peaceful knowing that Kookie is fighting for his life"

"But you very well know that, no matter what happens to him, he would want you and the child to be safe"

"We are safe now... but he isn't. I can't leave him alone hyung"

Yoongi hyung was about to argue back, but didn't cause that was what anyone would have done, if they were in my shoes.

Soon the doctors came out and we all went to them to ask about his condition.

"He's lost a lot of blood, but we managed to save him. He's healing pretty quickly,  he is a true blood alpha after all. But... the blow he got on his head... we might have some issues regarding that. Tell us once he wakes up-"

I was relieved when they said Jungkook was fine. His head must be alright too. I can't afford to have negative thoughts.

But the doctor was cut off when we heard the opening of the door.

There stood Jungkook, with plasters over his wounds and a bandage around his head. He aggressively took off the IV on his arm and threw it away.


"Who the heck is Kookie? I'm Jeon Jungkook"

I couldn't believe what I was hearing... did he forget that I used to call him that?

"Whoever the fuck you are, don't bother me, or don't meet me ever again. Yoongi, let's go back to the pack"

Before I could say anything, he already started walking towards the exit. He forgot me... he even asked me to never meet him again. There was this stinging pain in my chest. I was damn sure it must be because of the mate bond.

I tried chasing after him, I asked him to listen to me, but... all he said was he can't waste his time on useless things like me.

And there I saw, my one and only world, my first and last love, walk through those doors... out of my life.

The end

~ ♦️ ~

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