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~ ♦️ ~


Taehyung couldn't believe this was happening. Of course he wanted to have kids with Jungkook and they even agreed to it, but he felt like backing away now, cause he was scared. His father was still after him, which he knew, but others were careless about it. The fact that his father will do anything to get him back and kill his child is what he fears.He wasn't doubting Jungkook's protection, but anything could happen.

"Chim, Jin hyung..."

"What is it Tae?"

"Let's not tell anyone about this"

"About you being pregnant?"


"Why not?"

"Just because"

"You wanna surprise Jungkook by telling him later?"

"Yeah sorta"

"Okay then, we won't tell anyone"

"Aww you guys are the best"


The three reached home in the evening and saw Namjoon, Hoseok, Yoongi and Jungkook in the living room looking serious.

"Why is it so quiet in here?" Jimin decided to break the silence.

"Where on earth were you three?" Namjoon asked clenching his jaw that Jin found hot.

"You just said it. We were on earth."

"Not funny Tae"

"But really-"

"Where were you guys?"

"Oh calm down guys we just went for a stroll in the park"


"Yeah it's true"

"Okay then. Let's have dinner and sleep already" Yoongi said clearly annoyed cause Hoseok woke him up to say that Jimin wasn't home.Later, Jimin was scolded by Hoseok for staying out late...

And that's how Hoseok ended up sleeping in a guest room.


Meanwhile with Taekook,

"Were you really just out for a walk Tae?"

"Yeah kookie, just a walk"

Jungkook asked him again cause he sensed nervousness in his mate's voice, but decided to leave it since he trusts Taehyung.

"Fine then.. let's go to sleep."

"Good night Kookie"

"Good night Tae"


Days passed...

It has been peaceful for the 7 membered family. Except for Taehyung, who hadn't told anyone about him being pregnant... and Jin and Jimin helping him with it.He wanted to surprise Jungkook as their relationship anniversary was also coming.

Jungkook was more alert then usual. Kim Ilsung, Taehyung's so called father, desperately wanted his son back a few weeks ago... and there hasn't been any sign of him. He thought it was the quiet before the storm, but it was too long... too long that even the fearless Jeon Jungkook was afraid something really bad was against him.

He was deep in his thoughts, until Taehyung hugged him from behind.

"Kookie you're gonna burn yourself"

The seven of them were on a small camping trip, near a waterfall where the view was great. They had made tents near the river and were currently preparing lunch.

"Should we leave this to Jupin hyung?"

"No Tae it's okay. I was just spaced out hehe.."

"Mhmm whatever, but you seemed kinda worried about something so..."

Taehyung pecked the others lips.

"Did it cheer you up?"

"Come on baby we've done better things than just a peck-"

"Shaddup you horny pig I shouldn't have done than"

Taehyung glared at Jungkook, giving his most dangerous look but ended up looking like an angry puppy.

"Aww you're so cute!"

The couple we're interrupted when...

"Jungkook-ah is the chicken ready yet?" It was Jimin. He came from behind and was leaning on Jungkook with an arm around him.

Taehyung felt something, like... there was a spark in him of anger and jealousy. He gets easily jealous, even when Jungkook hi fives someone. But this was different. Not because it was an arm around him, neither was it Jimin but... it was weird. And this weird thing, was his wolf's feelings. It was a pretty strong feeling for an omega that he even felt his eye color slightly change for a second.

He shrugged it off and decided to take away Jimin.

"What is it Tae?"

"You're TOO close to Kookie"

"Oh my gosh I'm not stealing him away from you or anything"


"Don't laugh you horny pig!"


"Whatever" Taehyung mumbled and dragged Jimin to where everyone else where.

And like that, the day ended and they were home.


1 month later...

Taehyung's belly was more bulged. He told everyone that we was getting fat, but didn't know how long that was going to last. But he didn't have to worry about that anymore, cause today, he was going to tell Jungkook.

~ ♦️ ~

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