🐺 18° DAEGU TRIP PT.3 (M) 🐺

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The mature content was not a part of the original story line. I don't even know why I wrote it... It's not much tho

~ ♦️ ~

"Want me to help you out with that?" Jungkook asked pointing to Taehyung's clothed bulge.

Taehyung nodded.

"Let's go somewhere else"

They found an empty room. They walked inside and Jungkook locked the door.

"I-It hurts Kookie"

Jungkook rubbed Taehyung's member. Taehyung rolled his eyes back. He bitting his lips so he wouldn't moan. Jungkook was loving the look on his mate's face.

"Those are mine to bite... Baby" Jungkook attacked Taehyung's lips hungrily.

He sucked and bit on them harshly, but Taehyung was loving it. Jungkook's pants were getting tight. He rubbed their crotches together... Making Taehyung moan.

Jungkook took that opportunity to slide his tongue inside... Loving how his mate tasted, they didn't stop for minutes... until they realized they needed to breathe.

Their foreheads were touching... And they looked into each other's eyes

Jungkook was mesmerized in Taehyung's blue orbs and Taehyung was lost in Jungkook's deep black eyes.

"You have beautiful eyes Tae"

"You too kooki- a-ahh"

Jungkook was grinding his crotch against Taehyung's. He groaned at the friction.

"Help me out with that kitten" he said pointing towards his length.

He unbuckled his pants and sat on the table. Taehyung slid down the cloth covering his shaft and kissed the tip. Jungkook waited for him to start but Taehyung continued teasing him by giving him kitten licks.

"Don't tease baby boy... Are you that eager to get punished?"

Taehyung looked up at his face. He felt proud to be pleasuring his mate. He took Jungkook's length in his mouth and sucked it. He twirled his tongue around... Making Jungkook let out a breathed moan.

He bobbed his head and Jungkook rolled his head back. When it hit the back of his throat, Taehyung moaned sending vibrations to Jungkook's dick.

He looked up at Jungkook innocently... Jungkook grabbed his hair making Taehyung take his length even deeper.He couldn't contain the pleasure. Soon his warm liquid ran down Taehyung's throat. He licked everything... Not leaving a single drop.

He stood up and Jungkook attacked his neck. Sucking and biting... Making hickeys.

All Taehyung needed was help with his boner... Which turned out to become a make out session.

They were interrupted by a phonecall to Jungkook. He ignored it and licked Taehyung's Adams apple...

"K-Kookie... Take t-the call"

Jungkook took out his phone to see the caller's id.

"What do you want horse?"

"Where the hell are you two?! We all passed the audition so shouldn't we be celebrating?!"

"Okay just shaddup we're coming"

"Yeah you probably came inside Tae's mouth-"

Jungkook hung up on Hoseok before he could speak more. He looked at the time... They had been in the room for 30 minutes.

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