🐺 15° J.JK 🐺

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The five friends were having a great year. There were no more bullies. The school year was nearly coming to an end. It was ending in a month.

The five of them were talking until the teacher came in.

"Quiet down! I have an announcement to make. For the 'End of the year' program, we have decided that 3rd year students will perform a musical. We will have auditions. And since it's a musical, you'll have to be good at acting, singing and dancing. The audition dates, timings and venues are in the bulletin board downstairs. That's it."

Some of the students groaned. Not all of them were good at all the three things.

"Kookie can we participate?"

"Sure baby anything you want but... 'kookie' ?"

"Y-You don't like it? Sorry I'll-"

"No no... I like it"

"Cute name for a cute alpha"

"Hey! I told you I'm not cute!"

Taehyung laughs. The bell rang indicating that school ended.

The students rush down to the bulletin board and found the poster with the audition details.

"Well... Looks like we're going to need Namjoon and Jin's permission for this"



"B-But Namjoon hyung we're not done saying yet"

"You're not going anywhere without me or Jin"

"But why?"

"You haven't stayed away from us for a day... How will you survive for five days?!"

"I'll be with Kookie, Jimin, Yoongi and Hoseok-"

"No means no Tae"

"But it's for the audition!"

"What audition?"

"For the 'End of the year' musical"

Namjoon sighs. He know Taehyung is good at acting, singing and dancing... He's also good. Looks at the younger giving him puppy eyes

"Please Namjoon... Pretty pwease?"

"Fine but-"


"Hey I'm not done yet"

"Yes hyung?"

"Be careful alright?"

"I will" Taehyung giggles and hops out of the room. Jin was entering the room. Taehyung hugged him tightly and pecked his cheek... Leaving Jin dumbfounded.

"What was that about Joonie?"

"The school's taking them on an audition trip to Daegu"

"Lemme guess... You let him go"


"No wonder he was so happy... His strict father said yes"

Jin earns a playful glare from Namjoon.

"Just kidding honey"

Meanwhile Taehyung was searching for Jungkook. He was running down the stairs and found Jungkook at the bottom. Taehyung jumped skipping about five stairs and landed into Jungkook's arms.

"Hyung said yes!"

"That's great! Should we go pack?"

"Why so soon?"

"The train is at 10pm tomorrow... We have to send an email to the teacher telling her that we're going... She needs to make reservations"

"Oh... Okay then"

Jungkook send the email to their teacher. Taehyung was packing their stuff. Once he was done, he went Jungkook's office. He was looking around the room. He never goes to Jungkook's room because he prefers to be alone while working.

Behind Jungkook's chair was a huge painting of a man.

"Kookie... who is that?" he asked pointing towards the painting.

"My father"

"What happened to him?"

"He was killed in battle... two years back"

"Oh... I'm sorry"

"It's alright"

Taehyung found a book shelf under the painting. He was going through the books. He took a few books out and found a box inside.

"What's this?" he asked Jungkook.

"I don't know, I've never seen it before... where was it?"

"In that shelf"

Jungkook took the box and blew off the dust on it. There was something carved on it.


Jungkook felt his chest hurt and crouched on the floor.

"Kookie? What's wrong?!"

"M-My chest"

Taehyung rushed to the table to get him some water. Jungkook drank it and calmed down.

"Are you alright?"

"Yeah... There was a pang on my chest when I saw this" Jungkook said and gave the box to Taehyung.

"J.JK... it means 'Jeon Jungkook' right?"

"Yes... but why did my chest hurt?"

"Don't think about it too much... you'll probably come to know about it when the time comes"

"Okay... are you done packing?"

"Yup. Done with both of ours"

"Let's get some sleep then baby"

"Okay" They smiled and each other before Jungkook pecked the younger's lips and went to bed.

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I hate sneezing when I'm on my periods.

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