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The next few days were a whirlwind. Taehyung couldn't be more excited... and scared at the same time. He really hoped for his mate to be Jungkook.

Just having a mate alone was lucky enough... most wolves die heartbroken because they can't find their mates.


*Taehyung's birthday*

Taehyung rubbed his eyes as he felt the sunlight hitting on them. He sat up straight... but not long enough cause he was attacked by Jimin and Yeonjun.

"Happy birthday Tae!" Jimin, Jin and Namjoon said

"Happy birthday hyung!"

"T-Thanks guys... thank y-you Yeon" Taehyung replied as Yeonjun gave him a strawberry flavoured chapstick with a ribbon tied on it. Jin and Namjoon gifted him a pair of gucci shoes and Jimin got him a gucci watch.

"Get ready Tae! Today's the day you'll meet your mate... so dress up well!"

"Y-Yes hyung"

Everyone left the room for Taehyung to get ready. He took a shower, and wore a loose sweatshirt... showing his tan skin and collar bone, a pair of tight jeans hugging his legs, and he wore the gifts he received.

He looked at himself in the mirror and opened one of the drawers to fetch the perfume Namjoon gave him. He looked at it.

"My scent will be covered if I use it"

He puts it back in the drawer and goes down for breakfast. The other pack members wished him and sat down with Jimin.

They all had breakfast together. Jin asked them to come home early with their friends for Taehyung's birthday party. After everything, Taehyung rushed out of the house dragging Jimin. He couldn't wait to meet his mate.

Taehyung entered the school. All of them gave him weird looks... most of them in lust.

"Tae didn't you use the perfume?" Jimin whispered in his ears

"N-No... I thought m-my mate wouldn't b-be able to get m-my scent"

"I understand... but it's dangerous ya know"

Taehyung froze and Jimin stopped walking.

"Why did you stop?"

Jimin saw Taehyung looking at something and followed his gaze to see Jungkook looking at him wide eyed.


I was by the lockers talking to Yoongi. I was anxious and didn't sleep all night. It was Taehyung's birthday... he is turning 18. He finds his mate today. I swear to god if his mate is not ME, I'm gonna jump off a cliff.

I was thinking about him and then a strong scent hit my nose. It was very familiar and I loved it. I was very alluring and addicting.

"My mate"

I was losing my senses. It was forcing me to follow the scent and that's what I did. I walked to the entrance and saw Taehyung looking at me. He was the only one I could see at that moment... everything else was in a blur.

I stared at him wide eyed. He looked more ethereal than usual.

"Mate" I heard my wolf

I couldn't feel more happier. I couldn't wait to sink my fangs into him and mark him mine.


Taehyung and Jungkook stared at each other for god knows how long. Nothing mattered other than each other for them now. They were both happy to find out they were each other's mates... But both had their own worries.

Jungkook was afraid that Taehyung was still scared of him and would not want to talk to him. But he had to... they were destined mates after all. Jungkook walked up to Taehyung.

"J-Jungkook you..."

"Yes Tae... we are mates"

Jungkook inhaled Taehyung's arousing scent... he got his fangs close to the younger's neck, ready to sink them in. Just when he was about to do so, Taehyung pushed him away.

"What's wrong Tae?"

"I-I uh... I g-gotta go" Taehyung got away from Jungkook and ran off to their classroom leaving behind a dumbfounded Jungkook.

Jungkook's worst nightmare was coming true.

"Is he really afraid of me? Does he think I'll bully him? Oh moon goddess!"


As usual, Jungkook and Taehyung sat next to each other during class. Taehyung would spare a few glances at Jungkook... whereas Jungkook kept staring at him the whole time. He was whipped for the younger.

But he was worried about losing Taehyung. He wanted to tell him that he felt guilty after bullying him... and he would never bully him again. He didn't even do anything so harsh that he would to other people... like beating them until their bones broke, or decided to leave school. He just poured a little juice on him. Okay, a lot of juice.

He later realised that Taehyung was a very VERY sensitive person. He could tell just by his actions. Taehyung doesn't look up straight when he walks. He stutters and looks at the ground while talking. He flinches at the slightest touch from anyone.

And those weren't the only things about him. He has a lot more than those negative stuff. Taehyung was Jungkook's angel now. He was gonna do anything to make Taehyung listen to him and let him apologise... and tell him that he loves him.


I wanted to tell him a lot. But when all of those thoughts were going on in my mind, I suddenly thought of something...

Isn't Taehyung's scent like an...


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