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You scanned the writings on the folder and realised that your father was injured at a wrong time. It was the preparation of the Dream's comeback!

Now all their schedules was fully packed and you have to work overtime most of the days. You sighed on your misfortune.

All the members arrived one by one, everyone seems to know that you replaced your dad. They didn't paid much attention to it.

"How do I look?" renjun asked you while showing you his outfit for the comeback.

You can't deny, he looked so good with that outfit, "It looks good!" you praised.

He didn't say a thing and he went to the mirror to check himself.

"You ungrateful brat" you whispered to yourself.

"I heard that!" haechan playfully said which made you look at him by surprise.

"Heard what? I didn't say anything!" you defended yourself, even if you hated working in here you still wanted to do well for your father.

"Renjun hyung! Our manager said something!" he shouted and laughed his way near renjun who looked confused.

"Manager get me some food, i'm hungry" chenle pouted.

You remembered that you placed a few snacks on your bag so you went there to grab it.

"Here you go" you happily gave it to him.

"Eh? What's this?" he asked you while looking at a dollar snack you bought on the convenience store near your house.

"A snack?" you answered obviously stating the fact.

"I don't eat cheap looking foods, get me something else on the cafeteria" he said giving you back the snack you gave him.

You almost rolled your eyes in disbelief, you wasted your 20 dollars buying all these snacks and this rascal just won't eat it because it's "cheap looking."

You sighed as you made your way on the cafeteria, while doing so, you saw Jaemin on his way somewhere.

"Hey Jaemin where are you going?" you asked him.

"I'm done with the shoot manager, i have to go somewhere" he said while winking at you.

"We have to leave in thirty minutes!" you reminded him.

"It'll be a quick sesh then!" he shouted back which you didn't understand very well.

You went to the cafeteria and checked the snacks on there.

"What do you need Miss?" the girl asked you.

"By any chance, do you know what Chenle and the other dreamies would like?" you asked.

"Of course! I'll put it in a bag for you" she smiled and you thanked her. You honestly have no idea on what they like, your father didn't even told you about this!

"Here it is, that would be 400 dollars in total" she smiled.

You almost puked on your spot after you heard the girl, "F-Four hundred?! For this three bags of snacks?!" you exclaimed.

She nodded and said, "They usually order the expensive ones, I took note on what they liked and it's all in there"

You scanned the bags and saw some expensive brands of food in there. You shook your head and thanked the staffs for giving you the company card before heading out.

You walked back in the dressing room and handed everyone their snacks, aside from Jaemin who hasn't arrived from his "quick sesh" yet.

"Jisung here's some snacks" you told him handling him the food you bought.

"Manager, can I get your number?" he asked and you looked at him looking confused.

"What for?"

"Emergency" he said and you handed him your phone.

The fitting session was wrapped up and your on to the next location.

By all that's happening today, you sure aged a few more years because of these guys.

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