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"So what do we do now? Should we tell her?" Jaemin asked while looking at the boys.

They found out that there were pictures of the boys with y/n. Some are taken outside her dormitory and some are taken in here. They had no idea who's behind it, they decided not to tell y/n to stop her from worrying.

"She'll find out soon when we get back, let's not worry her now" Jeno silently replied while looking at his phone.

The company wanted the boys to get back immediately to settle the issues regarding the pictures. They had no idea how to tell Y/n without worrying her though.

"Let's just tell her that we have something to do at the studio, she'll understand" Donghyuck said with a serious face. The boys are a little intimidated because he never acted like that infront of them.

The boys agreed on what Donghyuck suggested. They went to y/n whose busy preparing their dinner.

"What are you all looking at? Let's eat." you happily said and when they didn't budge, you figured that something is wrong.

"We have to get back tonight, noona. We have to do something on the studio tomorrow morning" Jisung slowly said while taking his seat.

Everyone agreed on what Jisung said. Something doesn't feel right, you thought. But you just gave them a nod and a smile.

"Alright, let's hurry and get to the road" you replied and everyone smiled at you in return.

They are awfully quiet, Donghyuck who's the noisiest seems like he's thinking of something. Renjun who's originally quiet seems to be worrying about something too. You decided not to meddle with their affairs and ate silently too.

The drive was a little cheerful because of Chenle's laughs. Everyone seemed to calm down which made you feel at ease too. You arrived home in the morning. They immediately went somewhere after dropping you off, before Jeno left, he kissed your temple and asked you not to turn on any of your social medias.

Curious, you still went and opened your Twitter. Then your eyes widened.

Jeno of NCT Dream was caught visiting a girl on XXX, Seoul. See more.

With a shaky hand, you clicked the article and you saw some pictures of him while he was waiting for you. Then another one when you were talking to him, the other one was when you were laughing with the boys on the beach.

You don't know if you'll feel grateful that your face was kind of blurred on the third photo and only your back was captured on the second one.

You tried calling Jeno but he's not answering. Then you remembered the miscalls of your bestfriend last night. You weren't able to call back because your phone died while on the road.

You closed your eyes in frustration and silently wished that everything was alright.

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