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"Thanks for the ride" you hurriedly said before bolting outside.

You tried to even your breathing as you look at the guy on the mask.

"Jeno, it's you right?" you asked.

"I waited here for three hours and all I see is a guy taking you home" he angrily. Before he could turn his back at you, you hugged his waist.

"I'm sorry, that was my best friend. We just made up today. The reason why I didn't answered you text is because I was trying to surprise you" you said as fast as you could.

"Surprise huh?" he sarcastically replied and you nodded.

"I'll be on your concert, it has a backstage pass so i'm planning to surprise you there. But here you are, you came all the way here to see me" you sighed realising that he must've like you more that you like him.

Somehow it bothers you.

His body softens when he heard your explanation. "Are you sure he's just a friend?" he asked and you nodded like a pup.

He smiled as he ruffled your hair, "Good, I miss you, my princess" he said, kissing your forehead this time.

You weren't sure but you heard some clicks somewhere but when you turned to look, there was no one there.

"It's getting late, let's go up?" you asked him and he agreed.

You suddenly thanked the odds because your roommate wasn't home yet and she said she will not be going back in a few months.

"It's pretty small, compared to your dorm but you'll fit in" you awkwardly said while heading to your floor.

Your father paid quite a decent amount for this dorm so it was comfortable enough to stay in. It wasn't too big but it wasn't small either. It was a private dormitory and visitors are allowed so it was convenient for the both of you.


When you entered, you made sure everything is clean first before letting him enter.

"Come in" you said.

Before you could talk there was a loud banging from the door. When Jeno went to open the door.

"Do you really think you can enjoy this trip alone?" Jaemin said and the four from his back noisily agreed.

"We'll stay here too!" Haechan excitedly entered the room and made himself comfortable on the sofa.

"We'll stay here too!" Haechan excitedly entered the room and made himself comfortable on the sofa

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