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"I'm heading back to work, you can go back to your dorm now Y/n" your father stated when he kisses your forehead goodbye.

"Thank you for covering up for me, my princess" he sweetly said, also giving your mother a kiss.

"I think i'll stay for a week before I go" you replied.

You realised you haven't spent any fun activities for yourself this summer. You wanted to visit places first and you'll probably miss your mom's food so you wanted to savour it for a moment.

"Here's some money" he said, handling you a cash.

You shook your head as you pushed back his hands.

"The hospital bills cost you a lot of money, i'll be okay" you said.

After a few convincing words, your father finally gave in. You decided to start your day by doing your laundry. You also made sure that you washed Jeno's jacket before returning it to him.

"Who's jacket is that?" your mother asked while pointing at the oversized jacket in front of the both of you.

"Jeno's. He lent it to me" you replied.

"Do you like him?" she asked, wiggling his eyebrows.

Before you could spit your drink, you swallowed it first before answering.

"He won't like someone like me" you denied.

"That's not what I asked" she smiled.

"He just shouted at me yesterday!" you defended yourself again.

"Okay okay! As if that answered my question!" she teased while you kept denying about it.

"Me liking him?" you asked yourself like it's the most ridiculous thing you heard today.

"I mean, he's cute" you mumbled while staring at the jacket he lent you.

"What the fuck did I said?" you questioned yourself while unbelievably slapping your face.

"You said he's cute!" your mom shouted from nowhere.


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