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You were right, you're there to babysit the boys because they were noisy as hell. They won't stop making fun of everything. They'd start teasing each other and pushing here and there. You were thanking the odds because the place was not that crowded.

"Can we go to the rides now?" you asked them after buying some drinks and everyone agreed.

They made a bet with Jisung. They said that if Jisung survived the rides they will go to, the members would treat him food for the whole week. The innocent boy agreed and everyone looked at each other as they started going to the rides.

You started with mild rides to the scary ones and when you thought they were tired, boy you're wrong. They won't stop pointing risky rides. Even Jisung who wasn't fond of scary rides was enjoying himself too.

And then there's you. Your sight was already spinning after the last one, you tried walking slowly to lessen the dizziness but it doesn't help.

"Are you okay?" Jaemin asked you while holding your elbows to support you.

"I just feel dizzy,  I think you should ride that one then I'll wait for you here" you said while pointing at the bench near you.

"I don't feel like riding rides anymore, I'll stay with you here" he said as he helped you sit in the bench. He then went to the boys and said something which cause them to all look at you. Jeno however looked angry than his usual smiling face.

You noticed his sudden change of mood but you weren't able to ask him about it because you're damn dizzy. Jeno turned his back and the other boys followed. Jaemin noticed you were having a hard time resting your head on the bench, he chuckled as he placed your head on his shoulder.

You closed your eyes to regain your composure when he spoke, "I knew that the first day you came i'll be damned" he whispered but you're too dizzy to comprehend.

"Damned?" you whispered and you felt him nod.

"I think I like you" he whisppered, not enough for your dizzy self to hear.

"I think I like you" he whisppered, not enough for your dizzy self to hear

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