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You stared at the shy looking boy after you went inside your room to "fix" yourself.

You didn't tried that hard to look good.

In fact, you tried your hardest. After panicking for a few minutes on what to wear, you settled with a plain black over-sized hoodie and a shorts.

"Why are you here? No schedules?" you asked him after a few moments of silence.

You doubt that it was the case because you saw their schedule a few days ago and it was packed.

"No, I came here to apologize. I was an asshole for treating you like that" he stated while looking down.

You smiled at the sight of the shy Jeno. You could see that he was trying his best to sound guilty and sincere. You weren't mad anymore. You actually never got mad on how he acted. You understood that he was a busy man and playing games is the only thing that could relieve his stress. Plus, being scolded by his mother is one of the reasons why he acted like that.

"It's okay, I forgive you" you smiled as you tapped his shoulder. He then smiled like a pup after hearing what you said.

"Really? Then can you come to work tomorrow? The boys are going to kill me if i didn't bring you back" he said while scratching his nape.

You knew that it can't happen. It's not because you don't want to work there anymore, your job there is already done.

"My father is already fine. You'll have your real manager back" you replied while smiling at him.

His shoulder suddenly dropped when he heard the news. "Are you sure you're not mad at me anymore? Is that an excuse again?" he silently asked which made you laugh lightly.

"My father is fully healed so, my job is done. Plus, i have to go back for my next semester" you explained slowly, wanting him to fully comprehend the situation.

He nodded like a lost puppy. After a few moments, Jaemin called and said that he needed to go back to the practice room immediately.

"I have to go" he said, giving you a small smile.

"Wait, i'll get your jacket"

Before you could enter your room, he spoke.

"Take it."

"So i'll have a reason to see you again" he shyly said as he hurried his way out of your house.

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