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It was actually alright for you. You finally understood why he probably acted like that after going away for a few hours.

But you also realised that this job is not for you, so you called your father about when he can return and he said that he'll be here tomorrow.

You sighed as you watched the kids play. You always loved kids, even though they're chaotic at times, they can be very sweet.

"I think I raised six for the last month" you whispered at yourself, laughing a little.

That dorm was extremely chaotic, even though Chenle and Donghyuck don't always spend their time there, they will still find a way to be chaotic together.

You went home after a few minutes, your mother welcomed you.

"I heard about what happened in there" she silently stated.

"Yeah, I'm all good" you assured her as you smiled.

You went on your room to sleep. Before you can even doze off, you saw Jeno's jacket.

"I should probably return you, right?" you talked to it like it can reply back.

"Yeah, it would be rude if I didn't" you answered yourself once again.

You then remember how he acted earlier. The fight must've been a serious one because he don't look so good. He wasn't usually like that, he would often smile even though his mother scolded him over little things.

It must be more serious than that, you thought.

You closed your eyes, trying to forget everything that happened today.

"He didn't mean it, don't he?" you sighed feeling confused on how bothered you were feeling.

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