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You woke up early. Since you're a college student who likes to cram so much, waking up early is an easy job.

You prepared all the things that you thought you might need. You researched this last night and here's what you found:

1. Some snacks for the boys.
2. Handkerchief for their sweat.
3. Perfume (For yourself because you might smell bad and embarrass yourself)

And some other random stuff you thought you might need in case of emergency. You then asked your dad if you needed to remember some important things about the boys.

"Just, go with the flow" your father replied almost shooing you away.

You sighed as you made your way to the company. Your dad made the call last night, telling the staffs about the replacement and they are all expecting you.

"Hi, i'm Y/n, Mr. Kim's replacement" you politely said.

"Oh hi, can you bring these to the dressing room? The boys will be trying this on today" she hurriedly said while handling you the box full of clothings.

"W-Where's the dressing room?" you asked, the box is hella heavy and you can't even see what's in the front.

"There and there and turn there" she said using her fingers to point the direction. Which you failed to follow because she was speaking too fast and the box is blocking your sight.

Before you could ask her to say it again, she was already out of sight.

"What a nice welcome" you sighed as you continued walking. You've been on the company for a few times, your dad sometimes brings you here when you were younger.

"All i remember was taking the elevator" you silently talked to yourself.

"And you turn right" a voice next to you said.

He smiled when you looked at him, "Do you need some help?" he asked and you shook your head in response.

You remembered your dad would always say that, "Never make your artists do the physical work" so you'll stand by that sentence today. Even if your arms are about to break.

"I-m all good, can you lead the way please?" you asked Jeno as the both of you got of the elevator.

He kept insisting in helping you too, you almost gave him the box but you suddenly heard your father's voice somewhere and you got guilty.

"Here's the box whoo!" you almost shouted in relief. The other staffs looked at you in confusion.

"Hi! I'm y/n! I'll be filling in my dad's position for a month because he's injured" you shortly introduced yourself to the other workers.

They all stated their hellos when suddenly a girl walked up to you and said, "Y/n this is the boys schedule" handling you the thick folder.

"And here's what you have to do while they are on those schedules" she smiled again handling you a bunch of papers with messy handwritings on it.

"Damn, being a manager sucks." you told yourself before forcing a smile.

"T-thank you"

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