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You sat on the front seat while waiting for the other members to enter their respective cars.

"How's your first day so far?" the driver asked you.

"Chaotic and stressful" you sighed as you sat comfortably on the seat.

He chucked, "You'll get used to it, it's not usually this busy" he said with an assuring voice.

You smiled as you imagined your father doing all these. It must've been so hard for him too. You're young but this already made you so tired, what more for your old father?

You reminded yourself to be nicer to him next time. Everyone entered their cars and you're all off to the next schedule.

They need to record this time, and while they are doing that, you need to call some variety shows for the featuring of the boys during the comeback. It helps in boosting the popularity.

The boys finished recording at 8pm, they said that they want some meat for dinner and the driver said that he knows a good place so you guys went there.

You're thankful that the driver know some place because you don't really know any nice place near the area.

They ate deliciously and went to their dorms right after. You can tell that everyone was tired and sleepy with all the activities done that day.

You arrived at the dorms not long after, when you opened the door of the members car, you smiled at the sight.

"These kids do look like angels while sleeping, so peaceful" you told yourself while looking at the six guys peacefully sleeping on the car.

You woke them up one by one and asked them to go to their respective rooms.

Since they are preparing for a comeback, Chenle and Haechan are staying at the Dream's dorm which made your life easier.

You went home and you went straight to your room. You can't even get yourself to change your clothes because of how tired you were. You fell asleep not long after.

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