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The MV shooting went on for days. And everyday, you would always go to their dorms to wake them up. Thankfully you got used with the schedules. You got closer to them too.

"Manager get my lyrics folder please" renjun shouted while pointing some direction saying that it's where he left it.

"Manager noona! where's the snacks?" chenle shouted while placing his palm behind his head while his make up is being done.

And donghyuck just won't stop moving around which results to him having to redo his make up over and over.

"DONGHYUCK WHERE ARE YOU" you shouted loud enough to get his attention.

"Here!" someone shouted from a distance.

"Get over here before I tape you on your seat!" you shouted again, grabbing the lyrics folder of renjun and chenle's snacks and giving it to them.

"Where's jaemin again?" you stressfully said while scanning the area.

Haechan went near your ear to whisper something, "He must be with his fling again"

You rolled your eyes on what he said, you just found out that the "quick sesh" that he was talking about are his make out sessions.

"Call him for me" you asked him.

"Tired?" jeno asked as he sat next to you.

"Is your make up done?" you asked him and he nodded.

"Jisung bring that down!" you worriedly said while watching him carrying the scooter over his head.

"You should rest, you've been working non stop" jeno spoke again, while looking at you.

"I'm getting used to it now" you said. Which is actually true, you're now used with the hectic schedules and tiring activities.

"Did you even sleep last night?" he asked you and you weren't able to answer.

"I did, for an hour" you smiled. You are fixing their schedules and moving photoshoots so they could get some rest. Which resulted to you, not being able to sleep.

"You should take a nap now, this would take a while" he said while looking at the boys who are getting their make up done.

"I can't sleep" you said.

He then pulled out his airpods and gave one to you, he played a mellow song and forced your head on his shoulder.

"Sleep, we don't want our manager to die" he laughed a little.

You weren't able to protest more as your eyes became more heavy. You fell asleep.

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