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"So this is your plan?" you smiled while looking at the boys who are pushing each other while holding a cake.

"Uhuh! I hung the balloons myself. The mighty Chenle" Chenle proudly said, even tapping his chest while introducing himself.

"Shut up, if I didn't held the ladder you can't reach it" Jisung barked back.

And the battle begins again.

You happily watched as the boys started bickering like they are on their own world. You liked it this way. You're happy.

"Actually, it was Jeno's idea. My visuals helped a lot though" Donghyuck smirked which resulted to him being attacked by the others.

"Hey don't cry" Jeno whispered while wiping your tears.

You didn't even realised that you were tearing up. No one made this effort for you before aside from your parents. You never thought that these dorks would even remember your birthday. Though it a little early for your birthday, you appreciated it so much.

"Thank you" you pouted while sobbing on his arms.

"Anything for my baby" he said while caressing your head.

"Could've been us ahaha" Jisung whispered while looking at Jeno and Y/n and the other boys heard it.

"True" the rest replied as they watched the couple being all touchy.

Donghyuck stood up as he grabbed a bucket full of water and splashed it on the two.

"Okay love birds that's enough, time to swim!" he shouted, hurriedly running away after meeting Jeno's gaze.

"I was kidding, I WAS KIDDING!" Donghyuck shouted while he was being chased by Jeno.

"COME HERE LEE DONGHYUCK" Jeno shouted while running after him. After catching up, he dragged Donghyuck and they both jumped on the pool.

"He dug his own grave" Renjun shook his head while watching the two.

"Isn't it unfair that we're the only one who's wet?" Y/n smiled while pointing a hose at the boys.

Chenle and Jisung hurriedly walked away and jumped on the pool when they saw Y/n.

"I doubt that she could get the two to swim" Donghyuck laughed while looking at the three.

"I bet 20 bucks, she can" Jisung said.

"Make it 40" Chenle whispered and they both laughed.

"Stop right there, y/n" Jaemin threatened as he was slowly preparing to leave.

"Nope, not today y/n" Renjun also said while moving his phone away from him.

"Too late" you said, opening the hose.

And the kids started playing again. As if no one was watching. As if no other people was there, they were having fun.

No one even bothered to stop playing until the sun was down. No one checked their phones because they are too focused on the fun at the present.

But everyone's phone was blowing up. Right, a disaster waiting to happen.

We're on 5k! Thank you soooo much! Here's an early update

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We're on 5k! Thank you soooo much! Here's an early update. (●'◡'●)ノ♡︎

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