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Y/n, not fully recovering from what Jeno said before he left, received a call from Jisung. She stared at her phone for a moment before picking it up.

You can hear the boy's bickering over the phone, you smiled, missing them more. "Hey, Jisung why did you call?"

"Hello, Y/n noona?" he said and the line became quiet.

"Is everything okay there?" you asked, worrying a little now.

"I'll talk to her" you heard Renjun say.

"No, I will. She doesn't want to hear your sarcasm" now it was Haechan.

You can hear noisy steps which more likely means that they were running.


"Y/n noona canyouhangoutwithus?" Jisung said as fast as he could, still catching his breath.

"Can you speak slowly?" you chuckled and he repeated.

Hanging out with them doesn't sound so bad. Since you don't have any plans while you're here, you decided to come with them. What could go wrong, right?

"Sure, where?" you smiled, imagining what the boys are doing right now. The call must've been on speaker because the boys started to suggest places for them to go to.

"How about movies?" Chenle suggested.

"That's boring" Jeno said and everyone agreed.

"Picnic?" you suggested.

"The law has spoken" Jaemin butted in.

"Picnic then?" Haechan said.

"How about amusement park?" Jisung suddenly suggested.

"That's not a bad idea. Amusement park it is" you agreed.

The phone call lasted longer than you expected, they kept talking about the food they plan to eat and what will they bring and you happily listened. After setting the date and the place, the call ended.

"Why do I feel like i'll have to babysit these boys instead of enjoying the rides?" you asked yourself while preparing to take a bath. You brushed the thought off before heading to the bathroom.

 You brushed the thought off before heading to the bathroom

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