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You woke up seeing the white ceiling of the hospital. You had no idea how you got here.

"What the fuck happened to you y/n?!" Gyuri hysterically said.

You sighed in relied when you saw her. Atleast someone was kind enough to put you here.

"Your parents are on their way, I don't think you'll be happy that I told them but I had no choice!" she said while still panicking.

"My father is probably working, it's fine, Gyuri" you sighed while trying to sit down.

"Everything is on fire now, y/n. Someone released your information online. Your parents are probably worried about you" she sadly said.

It's probably Jana again. Before you could even tell her that, your phone rang. It was Jeno!

"Hey! How are you? Did you get scolded?" you worriedly asked and when Gyuri heard you, she pointed outside and went out of your room.

"Everything's fine. I heard what happened to you... Are you okay?" he said, sounding tired and helpless.

"Are you sure you're okay? You don't sound good" you worriedly said.

"Did you saw the news?" he asked you.

"No, what is it?" you asked him instead. But the line got silent.

"What is it? Lee Jeno?" you asked again.

When he still didn't answer, you checked it yourself. And there you saw it.

Lee Jeno denied the allegations about him dating someone. Said SM Ent. Read here.

"I saw the news... It's okay, we can take a break on seeing each other in while" you said, trying to convince him that it was alright with you.

"Let's... end this y/n" he said.

"I didn't hear you properly. C-can you repeat it?" you asked, while tears are starting to build up.

"I said let's break up" he said, clearly this time.

"We can make this work, you know? I can... stop visiting dad for a while" you silently said.

"I love my career... don't see me again" he said and he ended the call.

You don't understand. He seemed fine before the both of you parted. How can he do that? How.. you just don't understand.

You heard the door open, thinking it was your bestfriend or your parents, you wiped your tears away.

"Hug?" he asked and you nodded.

He hugged you tight, "You know that I got you, right?" Donghyuck in his cap said.

But it hurts so much that all you did was cry on his arms.


"I'm going down!" you told your aunt while grabbing everything with you. You sighed as you looked at your room for the last time.

It's been 2 years since you left Korea. At first it was rough, the break up and everything hurt. When your parents arrived, they told you to go abroad while the issue is still going on.

You agreed, thinking that it was the right choice that time. Besides, Jeno didn't want you anymore. It still stings when you think about that, but it's not hurting that much anymore.

Months turned into years. You just liked the environment abroad. It was less toxic and it was quiet, just the way you liked it to be.

But now that your brother is getting married, you had to go home. You're planning to get back after the wedding though.

You're still in contact with Donghyuck. Every time he had a concert with 127 in America, he would make sure he visits and drink with you. He helped you move on. He watched you get drunk while shouting his name somewhere.

He was a great help. You smiled at the thought of him when you saw him call you.

"Duuude when will you go home?" he asked.

"I'm on my way to the airport" you said, locking your door.

"We'll be home tomorrow, want me to meet ya?" he boredly said and you said yes.

The issue died after a month or two. Everyone seemed to move on, like nothing happened.

You hated him. A little. But then you just don't care anymore. Whatever the reason is.

"I hope I don't see you, J." you whispered as you watched the sky on the plane.

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