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It's a mess.

Chenle and Jisung are arguing on who's going to cook. Jaemin and Renjun are outside to buy some snacks to eat. Haechan and Jeno are noisily watching an action film.

You suddenly feel like a mom all of a sudden.

"Wait up" you said and everyone turned quiet.

"What's happening here? Why are you all here?" you asked and all of them turned to look at Jeno to explain.

"We're done practicing for the concert and we were given a week break. I want to spent my break here that's why. I don't know how they found out where i'm going" he explained.

Haechan then playfully hit his head as he spoke, "You were being so loud about visiting y/n and when we asked you where it was, you told us right away!"

"I remembered him telling us which floor and which room too" Chenle said and Jisung nodded.

You glared at Jeno and he raised his hands, surrendering.

"I'm sorry, i think i was too excited" he said while scratching his nape.

"Were back" Jaemin and Renjun announced while holding a bunch of paper bags.

"Are you sure that's just snacks?" you unsurely asked while looking at them.

"Yeah, plus some groceries to fill up your refrigerator. We'll be crashing in here for a few days so leave the chores to us" Renjun said and everyone nodded.

"How about you guys book a hotel and we'll all be at peace?" you stressfully suggested and everyone shook their heads.

"We missed you, noona! Hang out with us tomorrow!" Chenle and Jisung clung on your arms.

It's a saturday and you're not busy so you sighed and nodded your head. They both cheered as they urged you to jump along with them.

"Why do I feel like I have to compete for y/n's attention?" Jeno suddenly said while sitting next to Haechan.

Haechan laughed and said, "You sure do"

He got up to help Jaemin and Renjun too. And as for you, it'll be a long week.

 And as for you, it'll be a long week

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