Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

Jai got an odd sense of déjà vu as they flew over the vast Ethran desert, heading for Chamin. Leaving out earlier that morning, they made great headway and stopped for the night before the sun completely disappeared behind them.

He couldn't help but notice how Lyv's hold on Elys was tighter than usual, like he was helping her keep calm. Her thoughts had been all over the place, so much so he had to be the one directing Roshan's flight. Elys seemed to realize this, too, not asking for Roshan to do different flight maneuvers like he had been. He faintly remembered her bolting up in bed the night before and asking if she was all right, but nothing after. Sleep had grabbed hold of him and pulled him under.

He was the first to wake that morning, though, which was unusual. Elys had somehow crossed over Jai and nestled himself in between him and Lyv. She held him tight with her face pressed against his hair.

Their goodbyes with Mik's parents and sister finished before the sun even rose. Not only were Mik and Allel promising to come back soon, but Lyv was making that promise also. They, of course, made sure they were stocked up on supplies, even though they planned on only stopping for one night to make camp in the desert before heading to the eastern most Ethran city.

Now, Jai motioned for them all to start their descent and Lyv finally broke free of her trance.

"Has it really been that long?" she called out against the wind.

Jai nodded as he kissed the side of her head. "It has. You've been a little preoccupied to notice."

Sand flew up around them as the dragons landed, the heat uncomfortable though the cool night air was surely on its way. After jumping off, Jai helped Elys down first and then Lyv, making sure she was steady on her feet before letting go. Just like she had that morning, she wouldn't meet his gaze, but that didn't stop him from taking her face in his hands.

"What's been up with you all day?" he asked her quietly as everyone else moved around them. "You've been quiet, even with your thoughts."

Reaching up, she gripped his wrists, though not to pull his hands from her face. Rather, she seemed to want him closer. "Not now."

"All right."

It took them no time at all to get the tent set up, especially when Lyv just waved her hand and the canvas and poles magically went into place. She'd even added a second room to the inside for Allel and Mik, though you wouldn't have been able to tell from the outside. Mik was the only one to be taken by surprise of it all since Allel had been in it before as they searched for Lyv a few months before.

"And here I thought I was used to your magic by now," Mik marveled as Allel grabbed both of their bags to take into the room. His gaze traced it all, including the kitchenette where pans and food were flying around as Lyv magically started dinner, before he followed.

Everyone took some time to change out of their riding gear and into more cool and comfortable clothing. Elys was the first to find his way back to the cushioned chairs around a new, larger table in the center of the tent with one of his favorite picture books open in front of him. He was in a loose white tunic and dark brown pants, almost identical to what Jai was wearing right down to being barefoot. Jai ruffled his hair as he passed to head into the kitchenette, making sure Lyv's magic hadn't started a fire anywhere due to her preoccupation. The smell of beef stew and freshly baked bread began to fill the air as soon as he lifted the lid and cracked open the stove to peek inside.

"I asked Lyvi if we could have stew for dinner. We used to have it with Moswen and Tairin before," Elys told him as he walked back out to where he sat.

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