Chapter 62

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Chapter 62

Even as the battle that raged on between darkness and light, Lyv's scream could be heard over it all as Corliss dug the dagger even further into Bridget's stomach. It was with such force that her feet lifted off the ground as Corliss's laugh billowed out.

Bridget's eyes bulged, her face went bright red with fear and fury, and blood immediately trailed from the corners of her mouth.

Only one other scream matched Lyv's.


But Lyv wasn't listening to her father's rage as he watched his mate and wife being tossed aside as if she were nothing, or when he ran to her, throwing everything he could at Corliss to knock her as far away as he could manage. She didn't even budge.

Bridget, though, wounded and bleeding profusely, struggled to get onto her hands and knees as Corliss stepped over her, walking barefoot through her blood, aiming for Lyv then.

Alberich ran so fast, he skidded on his knees to Bridget's side, hands already glowing with healing magic.

Healing magic that wouldn't touch the venom which already began to spread or the gash from the obsidian blade that wouldn't knit back together on its own.

Corliss continued toward her, trailing bloody footprints along the ground. "And now it's your turn, my darling niece."

Lyv's vision tunneled as she watched her parents. Watched as her mother struggled to hold on, even with everything her father was doing to help her.

Her magic...oh, her magic was raging inside her. Both light and dark, building and building until she couldn't contain it.

Until she didn't want to contain it.

And so, Lyv let it unleash itself on the world around them.

Blinding white light erupted around her as soon as she slammed her hands together in front of her, just as she did before in Ethran. Except this time, the dome of light magic, of healing magic wasn't held within boundaries Lyv's magic had placed on it like it had then. No, there was no end in sight.

Her entire body was glowing, magic pouring out of her.

Yet Lyv wouldn't have made it stop even if she wanted.

Her light magic was infinite with no bottom to be seen. She gave everything she could, holding absolutely nothing back during that first wave.

Her darkness, recoiled against it, screaming as the light tore through it, shredding it until it was destroyed beyond all recognition. Her light rejoiced, having finally rid itself of its unwanted companion after so long.

And the second shockwave was even stronger because of it.

This time, unwavering healing magic surged along with it. It covered every stretch of Escarrali land around them, washing away the ash and rot. The hardened ground was soft with grass and springing with colorful flowers again as animals scampered through. The dead trees stretched their branches, canopies of leaves curling upward toward the sunlight as the gray clouds above dissipated. The waters which flowed through every bit of the land were a crystal-clear blue.

Everyone on that battlefield was covered in Lyv's healing magic, too, burning through every bit of venom, healing every wound. There was no more screaming and crying, no more pain and sorrow. Even the dark creatures were caught in the light, releasing the souls which were trapped within those blacked shells of bodies. They were males, females, and children of all races, of all three lands. And they were laughing. Laughing and crying and rejoicing at finally being free from the darkness that held them there as they disappeared in shimmering white light.

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