Chapter 29

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Chapter 29

As soon as the four of them stepped foot into the dining room, Lyv immediately felt the tension in the air. This time, though, it wasn't directed toward her from Renna and Janan, with Shamira lounging on a fluffy bed behind them. Rather, it was because there were two others seated at the table along with Thia, Kalla, Allel, and Mik.

The two Krahzaran princes, Malik and Kaveh, who were clearly both mages, sat to the left of the head of the table where Cleo would undoubted sit herself. The elder of the two would have looked in his early thirties should he have been a human, but Lyv knew he had to have been much older. He was dressed in the same kind of sleeveless, dark green vest and slightly billowed pants as she'd seen the other males from Krahzara in, though his were much more detailed with silver threading and buttons. His coppery skin was smooth, his long black hair was pulled into a low ponytail, and his eyes were a deep brown they seemed almost black whenever they met hers.

The boy at his side looked almost identical, though his eyes were the light hazel eyes and his wavy black hair only brushed his shoulders. Being young, he didn't give off the same intensity as his elder brother. He was curious, though, looking around at everyone before finally seeing Elys. His eyes immediately brightened, excited there was another child for him to be around.

Before Lyv could stop him, Elys bolted from her side and ran to jump in the chair beside Kaveh. The two boys immediately introduced themselves to the other, though Kaveh seemed to have already heard about Elys. It took no time at all for them to start talking, somehow easing the tension in the room.

Before, Janan hadn't been able to even glance at the other males. Not with Malik, though, as she peered over at him with narrowed eyes. Malik stood just as she introduced him. "Crown Prince, I would like you to Crown Prince Jai of Dalcaine, Crown Princess Alyvia, and guardsman Gideon Kersey. The little one is Elys, who is their ward and a Seer. And this is Crown Prince Malik of Krahzara, a current guest of Arloerin along with his brother Prince Kaveh."

His eyes never leaving theirs, Malik nodded his head in greeting. "It's very nice to meet you all," he said, his voice smooth and accented, as he looked at each of them. "As Lady Janan said, I'm Crown Prince Malik of Krahzara." He placed his hand on his brother's head, stopping his chatter with Elys. "And this is Kaveh, though you may call him Kav."

"Hello," Kav smiled, and then turned his attention back to Elys.

Lyv followed closely behind Jai, who headed for the open seats at the table across from them. "So, you and your envoy are here for talks between Krahzara and Arloerin, I take it?" she asked as Jai pulled her chair out for her beside Cleo's and she sat down.

Renna snorted at that. Not because it was Lyv who asked it, but rather the question itself. Obviously, there was too much tension between the two kingdoms, and she didn't think talks were needed. But Cleo was the queen and she was the one facilitating it.

"Trying to, at least," he nodded as he took a seat once more. His smile was more of a grimace than anything else.


"There is too much of a history between the queen and your mother. Plus, she is against one of your many proposals in these talks. There is no reason for her not to be guarded in what is being brought to the table."

It was Janan who had said it, her tone holding more steel in it than it had in the few other times she'd spoken.

Even Malik was surprised by it, looking over the tops of both little boys' heads where she was sitting beside Elys. "I had no idea you were so loyal to a queen when you are not originally from here. Are you an official Arloerin citizen, or do you still belong to King Nishan of Rezuvell as his favorite consort?"

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