Chapter 41

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Chapter 41

Jai still didn't want to let go. His focus was solely on Lyv, whose face he held in his hands, foreheads pressed together as he looked at her. She had her eyes closed, lips pressed together in a thin line, and was clutching the front of his navy cloak fastened at his shoulders.

They were standing on the same dock they were married on with the same amount of people who had been there then. This time, though, they were all watching as every single ship from both Dalcaine and Blackloch began their journey across Shoal's Crossing to Escarral.

She'd already taken half an hour saying goodbye to everyone else, including Jai's father, who Jai hadn't seen in his battle armor in two decades. Emmeric was already aboard their ship with Alberich, Gideon, Allel, Mik, and Michel, though Alexea and Laurel was standing at the end of the dock, watching before they set sail with Eamon between them and Bridget on Alexea's other side.

"It's only a few days," Jai repeated in a whisper, just as he had multiple times over the last day and a half.

"A few days too many," Lyv told him miserably. "Wanna go back to Grandcrest House?"

Jai let out a low chuckle, thoughts drifting back to their time there. So much fun and laughter, so many passionate kisses and touches, the hours on end naked in bed. Gods, his mouth began to water just thinking back to it all. "When this is all over, we will. Promise."

Finally, Lyv opened her eyes to stare at him before closing that small distance between them. The kiss was simple, sweet. "Just be careful, all right? Don't let everyone get into too much trouble."

"I won't."

"You remember how to put the protective spell on all the weapons just in case I missed any? And you know you'll have to put it on the Ethran guardsmen's, too."

"I do."

"As soon as we finish with the dragons' armor, we'll follow. Hopefully, it won't take more than a few days. With the merpeople helping the ships along, you'll probably get there in less than half the time it usually takes."

"Serena's already got a squadron heading to the Escarrali shoreline as we speak."

"And you promise to watch after Elys? Don't let him out of any of your sights. I want him with one of you at all possible times."

"You know it." A chuckle reverberated through his chest as he pulled her closer. "You're acting like your mother, you know."

"And my mother is absolutely amazing."

"Just like you."

"Well, when you say it like that..."

Lyv tugged him forward, crashing her lips to his as she kissed him. Someone else wanted some attention, though. The little boy who had both of their hearts ran up to them then, somehow wedging himself between them to hug Lyv around the waist. Jai moved back after giving Lyv yet another kiss and let her say her goodbyes to Elys.

She knelt down in front of him, eyes scanning over every piece of his leather and steel armor before she made a show of adjusting what didn't need to be adjusted. Just like she did, Jai hated the sight of him in it, especially his sword across his back and dagger at his waist. Both seemed far too big for him to carry, along with his bag slung over his shoulder. Lyv bit the inside of her lip as she made sure every buckle was fastened, even that every hair on his head was in place the way she had it brushed back.

"You listen to me now, Elys," she told him, lifting his chin up to make him look at her. "You listen to every single thing Jai, Gideon, Allel, Mik, Kalla, or Michel tells you. Even Emmeric, Alberich, Ada, Camilla, Soren, and Merek. You have so many who love you and will make sure you're safe at all times. If they tell you to run and hide, you do it. If they ask you to help their plans in using your visions, you help them. If they tell you it's time for bed, you go to bed."

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