Chapter 46

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Chapter 46

As soon as Lyv stepped through the tent opening later that night, she froze. Not because she was still reveling in the sight before her of the color that had come back to land or even the twinkling stars above them through that break through the clouds. Not even the threat of the dark army had found them...but because everyone – everyone – was gathered at the center around the blazing fire and shouted a happy birthday when she appeared.

Gods, how could she have forgotten?

Jai was grinning at the shock clearly displayed on her face, which he tried unsuccessfully to kiss away. "You forgot, didn't you?"

She smiled back guiltily. "Maybe? It's been a long few weeks."

"Well, Elys has already said you're going to have to make up for forgetting it's his birthday also once we're back in Ayveri. He's expecting lots of chocolate, weapons, and books."

"Ooh, can I ask for that, too?"

He threw his head back and laughed, pulling her into his arms. "Whatever you want, princess. But just be expecting to sneak away with me for a little while."

A shiver went through her as Lyv leaned into him again, kissing just below his jaw.

This birthday party was unlike any other Lyv had before. She never thought she'd be in the middle of a war. They'd decorated as much they could. Silver streamers hung between the tents and dotted with little lights that made the surrounding area glow like starlight. Throughout dinner, the wine flowed freely and more than enough of them were a little tipsy after. Lyv couldn't touch it, though, not after scarfing down her meal of chicken and vegetable stew with a few thick slices of bread. At first, it settled well with her, but then every little movement made her well aware of the twinge of nausea as she danced with anyone who pulled her into their arms while some of the guardsmen played acoustical instruments they'd brought along.

And as for Jai's promise to her, they did in fact sneak away a little while later. Elys was asleep, curled up against Kalla's side, and the pirate queen smiled and winked after she promised she'd get him into bed. By the time Lyv and Jai were in their tent, Lyv was already jumping into his arms, her legs wrapped around his waist as she took his face in her hands. As soon they were into their sectioned off room inside, both of them put up every soundproof ward they could think of as clothing scattered across the floor.

Afterward, Jai fell asleep quickly, his breathing deepening as he pressed his face into her tangled mess of curls. They'd made sure to dress before curling back up together beneath the thick blankets, the heat of the moment edging off as the chill from the night eased in. Lyv had on her own leggings and thick socks but opted to steal Jai's tunic from where it had been laying on the floor.

She didn't sleep, though. Well, not restfully. She'd doze off for half an hour and then be up. It had been the same that night and every night since they got to Escarral.

Finally, just before midnight, sleep was finally withing reach.

Before she jumped up without waking the male at her side and rushed out of the tent, promptly vomiting up dinner from earlier as soon as she was a good distance away from anyone who would have been able to hear. Somehow, she'd made it to just past where they'd had the wagons placed at the eastern perimeter of the camp. Only two guardsmen had been on patrol duty nearby, but they were at the other end, chatting in low voices and drinking from a flask to keep warm.

Sweat beaded along Lyv's brow as she retched once more, hand blindly grasping onto the side of the wagon for balance. Wiping her mouth with the back of her hand, she groaned and fumbled around inside to find anything to wash her mouth out with. She struck gold. Several jugs of water were there, small enough that she could move to the edge and open the spout for it to pour into her cupped hands. She eagerly drank it down after rinsing her mouth out.

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