Epilogue - Of Darkness and Light

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Of Darkness and Light

Though darkness was banished throughout their world, a little bit always seemed to find a way, just as it was written in the grimoire.  But this darkness, though...it was hand in hand with the light and didn't want to hurt anything or anyone, even the one who carried it. 

And life in the lands of Dalcaine, Escarral, Ethran, and Laria was unlike it ever had been before. 

Just a month after the final battle, Gideon decided being mated to Thia wasn't enough.  Lyv was the only one in on it, though Elys knew by his visions and tagged along one morning as they snuck out of the palace to head for one of the jewelers on Penrose.  It took hours of looking at every stone and style and bickering back and forth about which one Thia would like most, but they finally picked out the perfect ring for the half-sorceress, which Gideon slid onto her finger later that night after she said yes to marrying him. 

It was only a few weeks later that they were married at the Branvon Estate with their family and the dragons there to witness.  Surprisingly, even Thia's father was able to come after hearing the news.  Their relationship was on the mend, but he still spent a lot a time away on business just as he always was.  Now, though, he kept in contact with her every week, sometimes multiple times, since he was always asking how Thia was doing in those first few weeks after she found out she was expecting her and Gideon's first child. 

As for Mik and Allel...well, they decided to make Ayveri their permanent home and had their own suite of rooms in the palace.  Of course, they went to visit Mik's parents and little sister in Palrion as often as they could.  They even decided on restoring the Keep on the northern edge of the Ethran continent for a place they could all get away, filling it with happy memories instead of the ones that still seemed to haunt both Mik and Lyv. 

Kalla was needed back in Blackloch, having spent too much time away from her people.  She was just as crazy as she ever was, especially when the Blackloch nightly parties seemingly missed her, too.  And after about a week of staying in Ayveri after they'd gotten back, she was ready to get back, especially once she got word from Shyael and Dodge that they'd made it home as well.  Rumor was the three of them didn't leave Kalla's villa for four days straight, playing catch-up with each other.

But after about a week's worth of rest for them all, they began the task of getting every Escarrali citizen back home.  Of course, Lyv, Jai, and the others were there on the first ship to set sail back across Shoal's Crossing.  The excitement for everyone hung in the air for weeks after they reached the shoreline, then continued on as they crossed through the forests and hillsides before seeing the Escarral capital city shining brightly in the distance, along with the guardsmen who were still there to continue the rebuild.  There were cheers and cries and happy tears when they all realized home was really and truly there and waiting for them.  

Without a proper coronation before, of course, they held one for Queen Ada of Escarral the very next day after arriving.  Somehow, they managed to dig out every piece of formal wear for everyone to dress up in, but it was Lyv who held her crown.  With Guinevere wearing the last one, effectively tainting the metal and jewels set within it, she'd had a brand new one made from it.  It was a beautifully intricate design made from solid gold, set with sapphires, diamonds, and pearls.  A crown fit for the wonderful queen Ada already was and would continue to be before it was eventually passed down to Avice, now officially named Crown Princess of Escarral. 

What made Lyv's heart swell with happiness was when they finally got back to the palace, seeing every painting and sculpture being put back in their places, the thousands upon thousands of texts being shelved in the library.  Even how her own rooms hadn't changed a bit.  But the one painting that had her and her sisters stopping everything they were doing to just stand there and gaze up at it was the one of their father Bence, which now hung in the office once his and now Ada's.  He would have definitely been proud of the four of them, not only with the new treaties between Escarral, Dalcaine, Ethran, and even Arloerin, but because of the beautiful, fierce, and strong females they had become and the family they created.

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