Chapter 43

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Chapter 43

Lyv's hands shook as she pulled her hair back into a braid, watching as her silver streak weaved in and out of it. She hated being alone, especially over those last few days. Even though they'd been filled with last minute preparations with the dragons from dawn to dusk, it was still knowing that she would come back to her rooms and not have Jai waiting for her as he sat up and read a book in bed. Or that she didn't have to take time to make sure Elys was washed up and in his pajamas, waiting on her to come in and read him a story.

Thia was the same. She'd been staying at her family estate to be close to the dragons, but she admitted she didn't like not having Gideon there beside her.

"As much as I love him and can't stand him at the same time, I don't like not having him here," Thia sighed after that first day everyone had been gone. She, Lyv, and Laurel were in the dragon quarters at the Branvon estate, eating a dinner Laurel had brought from the palace.

Lyv didn't like it either, so of course, Thia ended up spending the night with her where both of them tried not to worry over their mates and everyone with them too much.

Now, though, Lyv tried to breathe, tried to lessen the nausea that made her stomach roll with nerves. Thia left before first light, wanting to make sure everything was prepped and ready to go. Lyv couldn't get herself out of bed for a few hours after that, though. When she finally managed, she took a longer than necessary shower and didn't even bother with waiting for her hair to dry naturally or even by magic before she started on her braid. Her shaking hands weren't helping, clumsy fingers tangling up when she was halfway through, making her restart for yet another time. The fourth time, to be exact. She let out a string of curses.

It took everything in her not to knock everything off of her bathing room countertop. It wasn't because she couldn't finish her braid. No, it was because that feeling of something being utterly wrong started from the moment she woke up that morning just a half hour before. Not that anything had happened just yet, but she knew there would be.

Posy and Jett, who had been practically clinging to her for the last four days, sat on the small shelf bolted to the wall beside the mirror. They were holding hands and watching Lyv's every move, knowing there was only another hour before they had to say goodbye for who knew how long.

"Calm down, Lyv," she whispered to herself, dropping her head as she leaned forward against the marble counter. Her light and dark magic started to jump inside her, knowing her emotions were on edge. "Everything will be all right. We'll all be all right."

Deep breath.

Then another.

Lyv looked up at Posy and Jett just as another voice sounded from the doorway.

"Do you want me to help?"

Laurel leaned against the bathing room doorframe, having obviously been watching her for a few moments without her noticing.

Lyv gave her a wavering smile. "Do you mind? Jai usually does this when I can't manage myself."

Laurel stepped forward, her hands expertly starting on her braid once again. "You know, I used to demand Jai be the one to help me with my hair when I was little. He would complain, but I always got my way seeing as he loves spoiling the females in his life. And I know he loves playing with your hair. He told me when he was both sober and drunk...though drunk's always a lot funnier."

"He did not."

She laughed and winked at her in the mirror. "He did. He's told me plenty...and a lot I probably didn't need to know, too."

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