Chapter 36

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Chapter 36

Staring up at the Arloerin palace and the city beyond, Lyv knew she was going to miss this place. Of course, she was already planning a trip back, though she had no idea when that would be. She would have to bring her parents, too, so they could meet the niece they didn't know they had and reunite with Renna after all the years that passed.

Even though she'd said she understood, Lyv still wished Cleo had agreed to come with them and bring along some of her best guardsmen. She tried not to feel resentment, but there was still a little. Lyv wanted every resource she could get her hands on, including Arloerin's army, but she knew she couldn't have it. Cleo had an entire kingdom to worry over and care about. She couldn't be off fighting in a war in a world that was not her own.

So, for now, it was time for goodbyes.

Renna placed her hand on Lyv's arm then as she stepped in front of her, opening her arms for her. Lyv took no time at all to move into her embrace, smiling as the female kissed the side of her head.

"I will see you again, I'm sure of it," Renna told her, taking her face in her hands when she leaned back. "But in the meantime, tell your mother and father hello for me. And that I can't wait to see them again when we're able."

Lyv smiled as she nodded. "Of course, I will."

Holding her close again, Renna sighed. "And good luck. Please, please don't end up like my Meron and Corliss. I know you and Jai will find a way to rid yourselves of the dark magic."

Janan had come with her, Shamira close to her side as always. Though Lyv could feel her tense at first with the physical contact, she quickly relaxed as they hugged.

"Keep Cleo in line," Lyv teased. "And don't let her act too quickly if something happens with Malik again. You know, like send assassins after him."

Janan blushed at the male's name but redirected her answer to Lyv's first request. "I'll bring forth the rational part of her plans for us all, just like I have been since being here." The mage reached down to hold both of her hands. "Good luck with everything, Lyv. And just like Renna said, we know we'll see you again."

Lyv was just finishing her goodbye to Shamira, scratching the place just below her ears that had her purring, when two strong arms grabbed her and hauled her up into a hug. She was laughing then, knowing exactly who it was, even before she saw Urell's fanged smile and bright eyes.

"Thank you for at least trying to get Cleo to send a few of you with us," Lyv said to him when she was finally set back on her feet. "I really appreciate it."

"I'm still going to try and talk to her about it, don't you worry," the orc nodded. "We can't be missing all the fun, can we?"

By then, everyone else had come out from the palace, bags slung over shoulders, weapons across backs, dressed and ready to go. Lyv stepped back so everyone could say their goodbyes, smiling at all of the interactions – Kalla and Renna embracing, Janan, Thia, and Allel talking and laughing, Gideon, Mik, and Urell doing the same. Elys, of course, was hugging Shamira around the neck as the leopard leaned her enormous head against his shoulder, purring even louder than she had with Lyv. Lyv shook her head, wondering how the boy had such a way with not only people but creatures as well.

When the roars of the dragons sounded overhead, everyone looked up and moved out of the way for Roshan, Erly, and Ollyn to land in the courtyard. As they did, Jai and Cleo appeared from the direction of the dragons' quarters, Cleo's arm looped through Jai's, both of them dressed in their leathers and ready for flight.

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