Chapter 56

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Chapter 56

Lyv and Roshan raced back toward the camp, not stopping once to even take a break or slow even for a moment. Her dragon knew something was wrong, too, and didn't even need her to urge him to fly as fast as he possibly could.

Lyv was screaming for Jai, grasping at the tatters of the bond between them, trying to find his end in the darkness.

She found absolutely nothing but that peaceful silence and the echoes of his I love you all around her.

"Fly, Roshan. Fly!"

The land below them rocketed past so quickly, Lyv couldn't make sense of where they were or how long it would be until they reached the camp. The sun was setting behind the dense clouds, what little light they still had quickly fading away. Without even thinking, Lyv held out one hand then threw the orb of blue light ahead of them to light the way. It zoomed ahead of them, guiding them, showing them where they needed to go.

Right toward the break in the clouds where the moon and stars shown brightly.

Lyv screamed in her head again for Jai.


Gods, the silence was absolute torture.

Was this how it was for him when she'd gone fully dark? Is that what happened to him? Did he lose her just as he'd lost her?

If she did...there was absolutely nothing that would be able to stop her path of rage until she got him back.

But even then, the bond between them had been pulled taunt, though blocked by the dark magic that put up a ward between them.

No. No. She absolutely refused to think of what the frayed end meant.

Seeing the break in the clouds just as she did, Roshan flew even more swift, letting out a roar of warning at their approach. There was nothing but the darkened, burned out forest, but then small specks of light appeared. The fires that blazed throughout the camp.

This time, Lyv screamed Jai's name aloud, her voice cracking as soon as she did.

Two answering roars sounded from Erly and Chesnan as Roshan circled around once, twice before landing in the clearing where they were.

Clear on the other side of camp where their tent still stood.

"Jai!" Lyv screamed, jumping down from the saddle.

Right into the ash and blood that absolutely covered the ground beneath her boots.

This time, her scream was in pure desperation.


She ran as fast as she could through the camp, passing by the dozens of bodies of the fallen, seeing the gashes from blades along their bodies, the gray veined patterns along their skin.

Mother above, the dark creatures' weapons had been coated with minette spider venom.


The woeful hum of the Lament, the song for the dead, echoed throughout.

Every guardsman she passed paused as soon as they laid eyes on her, those eyes bloodshot and streaming tears as they mournfully bowed their heads.



"Jai! Where are you, you bastard?! Answer me!"

The closer and closer she got to their tent, the more faces she knew. All blood splattered and streaked with tears.

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